My husband, Michael and I launched Outlaw Posters Ink in Jan. 2006 at the Pomona BodyArtExpo. Since then we have
had booths at tattoo conventions in CA, AZ, and CO. We have had the pleasure of working with Sean Hartgrove, The amazing Mr.Scary not only supplied the girls in our first posters, but also created our logo and helped introduce us to the tattoo and piercing world. In July 2006 we further expanded our photos to piercings with the help of Sean Dowdell and his crew at Club Tattoo. In 2007 we placed our product in the adult chain store "Fascinations" in CO,AZ, and OR. What a great company to work with! We feel that we are finally getting to do the job we love! We enjoy working with all the people that have helped us along the way.
We want to continue to expand our line of Art Quality posters and hope to meet more models that have their own unique strength and beauty. We also want to meet more piercers and tattoo artists that not only want their work published but also carry our posters and prints in their shops.