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What Family Guy Character are you?
You are the man of the house.Your an alcoholic,fat and a reguler subscriber to 'Penthouse' magazine.(don't know if thats good or bad!?)
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What Famous NFL Running Back are You?
Barry Sanders
gYou are Very Fast, you dont using your power to run over peole you like to make cuts and stiff arm people Brake out for the big gain you also like to make your own holes
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What NFL WR are you????? (Sick PIcz)
Steve Smith
Short, but Great hands and has tremendous Speed
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What football postion fits you best?
You mean and relentless. When you want something you go after it with all your heart and passion.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Which South Park kid are you most like?
You are just plain evil and heartless. Though you're sly, and you come up with brilliant schemes, you're pretty dumb and close minded. Other people hate you... screw them!
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
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