I have been to hell....I am glad to be back. The colors are so much brighter this time. I'm livin' the life....whether it's mine or not, I am not sure.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I am not sure....I just know who I DON'T want to meet.
My Blog
Riding with Mary on Currenttv.com
A documentary about a photo series I do is on currenettv.com. I would love for everyone to register and "Greenlight" Riding with Mary. It is a competiton and so far alot of you have contributed to mak... Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 00:17:00 GMT
Riding with Mary @Crewest this Saturday!!!!
Hey Everybody,Stop by and say hello at a group show I am in this Saturday. There will be some serious talent representing the city of Los Angeles. LA Reprazent! "A group show that screams LA"July 8th-... Posted by on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 23:40:00 GMT
LA Reprazent!!!! Chris Haston's Group show.
This show has some of the best LA Artist's your going to see under one roof. Certainly the greatest Graffiti you will see in the same room. Crewest is an amazing space. Come by and say hi. While your ... Posted by on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:42:00 GMT
My first show 7/1/06 at The Clair Obscur Gallery
My first show 7/1/06 at The Clair Obscur GallerySaturday July 1st, I am having my first gallery on the Virgin Mary series I have been working on. It's called "Riding With Mary".I hope to see you there... Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:23:00 GMT