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I am here for Friends

About Me

A Astonishing
S Strong
T Terrific
O Old
N Neglected
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comhello, if your wondering why theres a scrach card below, then SCRACH and SNIF! (oops i for got its not real) lol scratch away! -----------
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well.. welll... well.... who would i like to meet? hmmm, well i already have the best friends in the world so i dont need to... HAHA WHAT AM I KIDING!!??id love to meet you REALLY!oooo, and these people2...
Click Here to get this from!ooo, SHIT, how did this shit pic get on here?!!!!!!! feel free 2 fuk with my face!!!!!here is mikki james, now amber u r a gr8 girlfriend, but this my 1 true love...... kenny u bastard!!this is mr monday nite, mr Pay Per View, the whole FUKIN show... ROB VAN DAM!!!!!!!!! R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.D R.V.Drandy orton... one of the most influentual new talents in the world! you cant help wanting to kick Lita in the back! haha!OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shit how did this get on here! i love sharks, they are beautiful, but very very DEADLY!

My Blog

kill your boss (theres a time in ur life where this will come in ahndy!)

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Posted by on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 14:11:00 GMT