Reading, travel, camping, walking, cheesy b horror and sci-fi movies.
People that show an interest in the greater world, damnit.
Anything that doesn't resemble beer-swilling, wife-beating country music.
Horror, action, sci-fi, spaghetti western, period pieces, Masterpiece Theater, etc
Simpsons, Daily Show...and I can't help but watch VH1 when they air I love the 70's, 80's, 90's stuff. Mostly don't have time when chasing Super Beast Milo around the house. Battlestar Gallactica...holy crap! Starbuck offing herself? Why the hell did they do that to torture me and others addicted to that damned show and storyline?! BASTARDS!
Historical Romance, modern classics...and can't wait to get my hands on Un Lun Dun by China Miéville. Milo's current favorites include The Little Cat Baby, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...and the kid recites Curious George. (If he's doing this crap now, we're in soooo much trouble later on...)
Jon Stewart, Margaret Sanger, all the staff at Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport that got me through labor :)