JJ for JUSTICE profile picture


i <3 jj from clo :)

About Me

im an insomniac
i have a really bad twitch
i sound like im from landaaaan :]
and i look alot fitter on my myspace picture then i do in real life ;]

PS3: sillyfatjj
msn: sillyfatjj@hotmail.com

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

On April 5th, 1984
The London Pallaium was the scene of Tommy's show once more
It was a full house and he had the crowd eating out of his hand once more
Everything, as usual, seemed completely unplanned
And in what seemed like a finale Tommy dropped to the floor
Causing the room to erupt into laughter and rapturous applause The curtain closed, lights went up and there was no encore
Everybody left there seats and headed for the door
Unbeknownst to them they had witness Tommy Cooper's death
He had given his all until he had nothing left
Now please note that at the moment that this entertainer died
Even with a room full of people not one tear was cried
Much less, they rose to their feet as they lauged and clapped
Now tell me one fucking thing that's more beautiful than that...
Cos' im sure i cant think of one.


Clorence ;]
ive spent nearly 2 years of my life with this girl
and its been the
year of my life :]
shes the most important person in my life
i no shes there for me
and ill always love her no matter what :]
i love buying her powerade and scraping change together for the train :]
as sad as those things are
there the best :]
putting up with her is a rite laugh ;]
and yh shes fit as fuck so you no :]
its been these last couple of months that ive really realised how much she means to me :]
i need her to be with me
and i love her to fucking bits :]
shes been my shoulder to cry on
shes been there to listen to my shite jokes
and they are pretty shocking :]
i love it when we just lie there
and take the piss out of eachother :]
im happiest when shes hittin me and saying how shit i am :]
even though i moan at her for being sarcastic
she still well cheers me up :]
like this :]
when i look at her
i no were going to be together for the rest of our lives :]
i truely love her
shes mine and thats all that matters
i love her to fucking bits and i always will
'even if anything happens, i mean it when i say ill always be there for you'

My Blog


bare people arent sure so yh   READ :]   Tuesday 20th May - English Lit Of Mice And Men   Heaney Clarke Pre 1914     Tuesday 3rd June - English Language Reading Writing  ...
Posted by JJ for JUSTICE on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:07:00 PST