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johnathan, loves you

There is no hope more pure than that in poverty - (K'naan)

About Me

My Interests

do this for good friends of mine!

I'd like to meet:

I have met too many famous people already. However it is my dream to sit under Damon Thompson. I don't want to just meet him, anyone could do that. I want to be his spiritual son. I want to live by his example. And Damon, if you ever read this, hit me up, maybe I can just get an email or something?...
The Philistines are on the run!

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The Lords Generation

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The Ramp

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I am a follower of Christ. I don't really like calling myself a Christian. In the Bible I read, Christ told the disciples to follow him, he did not say for them to call themselves by his name and commit no action. I believe that those who follow and serve can be given a double portion of anointing. (Elisha) And I would rather follow God and serve Him and his people than be known for a name.

"We do not become culturally relevant by becoming like the culture, but rather when we model what the culture hungers for..." -Bill Johnson


I am the type of guy who dreams things all day long, just hoping that something will happen that will in some way change the world. I am a radical and revolutionary thinker. I believe that the God I serve is still capable and not only willing but desiring to do miraculuos things in 'the church'.
The Return of NTENSE©
[coming soon]
--Denominational Seperation
--Bad Manners
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Donnie Darko
Pirates of...
Finding Neverland
October Sky
Donnie Brasco
Drug wars
Romeo & Juliet (decaprio/danes)


dont watch it now.
im a hippie.
actually just poor
and in college


The great gatsby
cry, the beloved country
hangmans curse
oedipus trilogy
as i lay dying


I don't have a hero. I have people I look up to.
Marc Ross
Andrew High
you guys have made a huge impact on my life. one that you will never know. thank you.

My Blog

X. Do you remeber that one time...?!?!

you have to leave atleast one memory that you and i shared together, no matter how far back it was. atleast one, if you want to you can put more. then you have to go open your own blog, and i wi...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:54:00 PST

X. Help us understand

"Go green!" the resounding scream, of a country that seems like it couldnt care less. we're droppin bombs, to steal your gas, while millions starve and we just pass -  - them by, and act like ...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:34:00 PST

X. Pray for pastors (placement poem)

six didgit salary, with a market place mentality, only learning how to be, the next greatest fallacy working in a stained-glass gallery selling promises of redemption long you convert to my way ...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 05:48:00 PST

X. [explination] of the former

so there was some concern with my previous post, a concern that maybe i was having a negative look on other peoples lifestyles. and that was not my reasoning or my viewpoint on teh matter whatsoever, ...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 05:16:00 PST

X. Why are these scales on my eyes?

its been so long since i posted on here. so here goes an update of sorts. I left Lee University, because i felt that my time there was done, I had the release from God to leave, and i had teh support...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 02:05:00 PST

X. The downfall of religious men

So, ive been reading this book "STORY" by Steven James. and i wanted to share a poem that i found in the book and kinda throw down some ideas on this. boxing god come here, god, i'd like to keep you ...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

X. Cain is not only Abels brother, he is mine.

so, i just got this new tattoo that covers half of my arm, and on it are two fish on one of them is written "faith" and the other "compassion". in the area between the two is "Mthw 14 : 17". Ive alrea...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Mon, 05 May 2008 11:45:00 PST

X. Keep feasting as others starve.

so, i guess i havent done a blog in forever which is weird because i used to do this all the dang time. haha. but i have so many things going through my head right now. povertyi have such a stirring i...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

X. And this is what you call life?

so, time ofr an update i guess. to talk about what the Lord is doing in me. he has placed a few serious calls on my life over the last six months to a year and some of them i have put off continuously...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 01:15:00 PST

Transparency// [intro]

[the Lord has put it on my heart to write a book, and a lot of it has been in the works for a while. He appointed the name "Transparency//" and i am simply putting the pieces together. It is a book th...
Posted by johnathan, loves you on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 02:05:00 PST