do this for good friends of mine!
I have met too many famous people already. However it is my dream to sit under Damon Thompson. I don't want to just meet him, anyone could do that. I want to be his spiritual son. I want to live by his example. And Damon, if you ever read this, hit me up, maybe I can just get an email or something?...
The Philistines are on the run!
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The Lords Generation
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The Ramp
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I am a follower of Christ. I don't really like calling myself a Christian. In the Bible I read, Christ told the disciples to follow him, he did not say for them to call themselves by his name and commit no action. I believe that those who follow and serve can be given a double portion of anointing. (Elisha) And I would rather follow God and serve Him and his people than be known for a name.
"We do not become culturally relevant by becoming like the culture, but rather when we model what the culture hungers for..." -Bill Johnson
I am the type of guy who dreams things all day long, just hoping that something will happen that will in some way change the world. I am a radical and revolutionary thinker. I believe that the God I serve is still capable and not only willing but desiring to do miraculuos things in 'the church'.
The Return of NTENSE©
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Donnie Darko
Pirates of...
Finding Neverland
October Sky
Donnie Brasco
Drug wars
Romeo & Juliet (decaprio/danes)
dont watch it now.
im a hippie.
actually just poor
and in college
The great gatsby
cry, the beloved country
hangmans curse
oedipus trilogy
as i lay dying
I don't have a hero. I have people I look up to.
Marc Ross
Andrew High
you guys have made a huge impact on my life. one that you will never know. thank you.