T'as plus qu'a remplacer "tatie" par "nicolas"!!
Fashion never run out of style!
Oh my love, it's a long way we've come
From the freckled hills to the steel and glass canyons
From the stony fields, to hanging steel from the sky
From digging in our pockets for a reason not to say goodbye
These are the hands that built America
(Russian, Sioux, Dutch, Hindu)
Oh, oh oh, America
(Polish, Irish, German, Italian)
Last saw your face in a watercolour sky
As sea birds argue, a long goodbye
I took your kiss, on the spray of Endless stars
You gotta live with your dreams, don't make them so hard
And these are the hands, that built America
(The Irish, the Blacks, the Chinese, the Jews)
Ah, ah ah, America / Hand
(Korean, Hispanic, Muslim, Indian)
Of all of the promises, is this one we could keep
Of all of the dreams, is this one still out of reach
Out ta outa reeeach
(Oh oh-dream, oh love)
It's early fall, there's a cloud on the New York skyline
Innocence, dragged across a yellow line
These are the hands that built America
These are the hands that built America
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah America
bagadad café, step mom, eating out, the others... As long as the movie make you feel something!
DeadLikeMe remix
Et qui va promener le chien, L'objet de mon affection, mensonges-mensonges, la symphonie pastorale, journal d'un apprenti pervers, plusieurs vies, plus fort que moi, petit et méchant, paris est une fête.
Il y a autant de héros que d'êtres humais sur terre... J'admire beaucoup de gens, mais je n'idolatre personne.
There are as many heroes as human beings down there.. I admire a lot of people, but i don't idolize anybody.
Donne un poisson a un Homme, tu le nourris pour un jour. Apprends lui a pecher, tu le nourris pour toujours.
Give a fish to a man, you'll feed him for a day, learn him to fish, you'll feed him for life.
Si je ressemblais a Hal Sparks, je pense pas que je serais la ou je suis ;)
If I looked like Hal, i'm not sure I'd be here ;)