Outerpol is a name that several friends exist under whose goal of spreading good music to the masses has become more of an obsession than merely a hobby. Think of us as one-half record label, one-half marketing or public relations firm, one-half pack of rabid fans. We are not interested in bands that are solely out to make a buck. We formed this company to promote artists and bands that we believe to be real musicians. Musicians who may not be too pretty or who can dance, but when it comes to making music, are freaky good.
At Outerpol, we believe that the internet definitely has its place in the music business, and we use its powers to help our artists as much as we can, but we also believe that good, old-fashioned, word of mouth and leg work are still the best tools to get our artists music into peoples' hands who we believe will become your next die-hards.
We work any and everywhere. Retail stores, concerts, bars/clubs, even park benches if we see a potential market there. We work with record labels, managers or artists directly. We're not scared. We simply want to help good music recapture the world, one fan at a time. If this sounds like something you would benefit from, please get in touch.
The Outerpol Gang