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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

»-(¯'v'¯)-» Design your MySpace with MyLook «-(¯'v'¯)-«My name is Heath I am into art and history although I don't think of myself as much of an artist I have tried a number of things over the years. I write poetry on occasion when something comes to me and I have been known to do some crafts and things once in awhile. My current project is my chainmail armor. I spend most of my free time talking with friends or relaxing around the house playing on my computer or watching TV. I enjoy talking with people im not really the party type but I do like to hang out with a few friends and talk or play games. I am mostly here to meet more people in my area I am a bit shy and don't get out much. I am single and wanting to talk to more women around here who may be interested in dating or at least interested in talking about common interests. I am very open about myself if someone wants to know something just ask.
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My astrological birth chart
Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Cancer Very sensitive by nature, you prefer to be in your own familiar surroundings. Cautious and conservative, you make changes in your life only very slowly, if at all. You do not open up easily to strangers. Friendships are made for life, however -- once given, your trust is forever. Your mother, your home as a child and your early family life in general are very important to you. You are also very sentimental. When you feel self- confident, you are gentle, giving and protective of the needs of others. But when you feel insecure or threatened, you become overly sensitive to criticism, shy, withdrawn and moody. You have a strong need for security -- in the sense that you are being loved, nourished and protected.
Sun is in 02 Degrees Aries. By nature, you are very energetic and high-spirited. You are fiercely independent -- you must be first in everything you do, and you enjoy taking risks. You are the one who will rush in where angels fear to tread. Quite brilliant at initiating new projects, you are terrible at following them through to completion. You are an enthusiastic leader but you tend to be a reluctant follower. Often you are quick to anger, but you usually recover just as fast, regretting later things you said when you were upset. One of your best traits is that you are simple and direct, blunt and honest -- just be careful you do not hurt others' feelings. Your need to be competitive at all costs may provoke resistance from others, but, as long as you maintain your usual Sunny good humor, this should not prove to be a major problem for you.
Moon is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius. An idealist, you prefer the grand, the beautiful, the good and the noble. You get very disappointed when your high expectations in life are not met. Very curious by nature, you enjoy traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. Try to avoid your tendency to ignore the small but important details of living. You are independent and free, and you want others to be that way, too. Optimistic, buoyant and cheerful, others like to have you around. You have an incessant desire to learn as much as possible about metaphysics, religion, philosophy and any other broad, deep subject. Your life tends to be punctuated by bursts of energy and frenetic activity.
Mercury is in 15 Degrees Aries. Very quick-witted, you are known for being an independent thinker. You love to debate and argue, and are excellent at repartee and battles of wits. At times, however, you act too fast on hastily formed opinions and thus waste a lot of energy defending your rash and sometimes incorrect conclusions. It is perfectly acceptable for you to defend your beliefs with your usual vigor, but try not to take the opinions of others as personal insults.
Venus is in 10 Degrees Pisces. You have a dreamy, fanciful, romantic nature and a very creative imagination. Indeed, at times, your private fantasies are more appealing than the reality around you and it is difficult for you to leave them. You tend to be unselfish and giving in relationships and are extremely sensitive of the needs of others. Be very sure that those you help are worthy of your devotion and are not merely taking advantage of your innocence and naivete.
Mars is in 27 Degrees Scorpio. Your likes and dislikes are strong and intense, never casual or superficial. You are known for your persistence and willful obsession. Once you have decided on a course of action, you are unstoppable. Your emotional actions tend to be extreme, although you try to keep them muted. You are not quick to anger, you do slow burns. And you tend to release your anger as sarcasm or irony. Beware of your tendency to hold grudges and to be vengeful. When you do fight, or release your internal tensions, you do so body and soul -- you become totally passionate and your outbursts are awesome to behold.
Jupiter is in 10 Degrees Capricorn. You tend to feel that the only results that are worthwhile are the results that are concrete and demonstrable. You distrust abstract solutions and appreciate measurable achievements. An excellent organizer and planner, you are optimistic as well as practical and realistic about what can and what cannot happen. Very responsible, you consider it a personal weakness to be wrong about anything. This makes you appropriately cautious. You are very efficient but you tend to be cool and detached.
Saturn is in 15 Degrees Scorpio. You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.
Uranus is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius. You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.
Neptune is in 01 Degrees Capricorn. You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
Pluto is in 01 Degrees Scorpio. For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.
N. Node is in 09 Degrees Gemini. You will consciously seek out many different contacts with others throughout your life. Many of these will be of very short duration, not necessarily because you're fickle, but just because you always seem to be more excited by the prospect of meeting someone new rather than prolonging your present relationships. At any rate, you will learn something new from almost everyone you come across -- intellectual stimulation is what you crave from others. You will be well known to neighbors and relatives, partly due to your curiosity about what they're doing -- you delight in keeping up-to-date about the latest news (and gossip).
A personís Sun Sign indicates their attitude toward relationships. The Sun Sign shows what oneís expectations are toward love, as well as their capacity for intimacy. Look to this part of a personís horoscope to determine what drives them to want a relationship.
A personís Mars Sign indicates their seduction style and the mood or tone of their desires. Check this sign to see how a person pursues the object of their affection. The Mars Sign also reflects oneís sex drive, as well as their approach to lovemaking. Look to a personís Mars Sign to learn what to expect in bed.
Taken together, the influences of the Sun and Mars reveal the qualities that might be most evident to the other person as the two of you get close.
Sun in Aries
As someone who has their natal Sun in Aries, you are driven to find a relationship that affords you strength, power, and achievement. You may decide to find a mate who is happy playing second banana. Alternately, you could seek out an equally ambitious partner who brings out your competitive side. Intimacy is something of a challenge for you, because it makes you feel vulnerable. The best way for a partner to access your soft side is through praise and encouragement. The more successful you feel, the faster you will let down your defenses. When you decide to commit, it's because your mate makes life seem more intense and exciting. You're not seeking a comfortable, predictable partnership. You prefer a lover who keeps you on your toes. If you have difficulty sustaining relationships, you may want to slow your pace, especially during the courtship phase.
Mars in Scorpio
Because you have your natal Mars in Scorpio, sex is akin to religion for you. You seduce people reverently. You like to hypnotize the object of your affection by looking deeply into their eyes. Whispering sexy words of affection into your beloved's ear is also part of your repertoire. Rubbing your love interest's knee in slow, persistent circles generally seals the deal. It is virtually impossible to resist your powers of persuasion, and you may have quite a few notches on your bed post. Your sex drive is as strong as a mighty river, and just as deep. As far as you're concerned, sex is about power. It doesn't matter whether you're playing the part of master or servant; you just want to feel that push-pull dynamic with someone. At times you can be overly demanding in love, insisting that your partner centre their life around your needs. Try to give your mate a little more leeway, or your intensity could cause your relationship to implode. Your lovemaking style is passionate and all-consuming.
A personís Venus Sign indicates their romantic yearnings. Look here to see how a person wants to be wined and dined. The Venus Sign also reflects oneís sensual nature, as well as their taste in lovers. Look to a personís Venus Sign to discover the best way of seducing him or her. Issues related to commitment may also be revealed here.
Venus in Pisces
Because you have your natal Venus in Pisces, you have a special fondness for romance. You want a lover who will overlook your flaws and champion your strengths. A relationship that is firmly grounded in reality holds no interest for you. When it comes to being courted, you want to be taken to movies, concerts, and shows. Any outing that allows you to forget the cold, cruel world will put stars in your eyes. You are extremely sensual and it's easy for you to drop your inhibitions with someone who makes you feel sexy and seductive. When you're in a relationship, you will give your lover the shirt off your back, and anything else he or she desires. You yearn to be transported by love. A fear of hurting others can sometimes cause you to bury your resentments, which later come out in explosive outbursts. Learn to be more forthright about your emotions. Your sexiest quality is your bedroom eyes.
A person's Mercury Sign indicates their ability to ask for what he or she wants. Look here to see how a person communicates their desires. The Mercury Sign also reflects one's flirting style, as well as their interests. Check a person's Mercury Sign to see how he or she will express themselves in bed.
Mercury in Aries
You are direct and forthright about communicating your needs. Sometimes, however, you can be a bit of a bully with your partner, demanding an immediate answer to questions. Try exercising patience with your beloved, and don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. You express sexual interest by teasing the object of your affection. When it comes to courtship, you have very little patience. You want an immediate response to your overtures. Wining and dining a prospective mate seems like a waste of time. You have no compunction about moving in on somebody who is already in a relationship. As far as you're concerned, all is fair in love and war. If anything turns you on, it's somebody who offers quick, clever responses to your provocative comments. You like issuing challenges to love interests, hoping they will respond with excitement and enthusiasm. In bed, you may prefer some rough, aggressive talk. Your lover would be wise to praise your performance, as you respond beautifully to encouragement.
While a personís Venus Sign describes their romantic ideal, their Mars Sign indicates their sexual desires. Sometimes, these two signs are at odds with one another, creating a stimulating dynamic. In other situations, one planet supports the other, allowing a person to express their intimacy needs quite effortlessly. Look at these planetary comparisons to learn more about a personís contradictions or consistencies with regards to sex and intimacy. Venus in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio
You are an intense lover who smolders with passion. Casual flings are definitely not for you. When you sleep with somebody, it's an expression of trust. If someone betrays that trust, you are permanently scarred. That's why it is vital to be discriminate when choosing a sexual partner. You would benefit from a mate who has a good sense of humor, as you often take life too seriously. Add to that a loyal nature and a tender heart and you've got yourself a winner. Don't be taken in by brooding, rebellious types who pride themselves on being misunderstood. These kind of people will only drag you down to emotional depths that you don't need to experience. Sexually, you are a human tornado. Take this into account before embarking on a physical relationship. People with weak constitutions are not worth your time!

My Blog

Don't know

Well it's been a boring day this whole week flew by way to fast not that it was really to fast but it hardly registered. We took my stepbrother to Hays he moved in with a friend three of them rented a...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 01:11:00 GMT


I can't seem to ever sleep enough. It's 3:30am I woke up at 3 and got a drink now im just bored thinking about the same old crap. Wondering why im alone all the time and not finding anyone that matche...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 01:57:00 GMT

Life as usual

I was writing things the other day but just couldn't say anything I felt really made any difference so I ended up not saying anything at all. Today has been a shitty day I woke up tired as hell the ma...
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 23:04:00 GMT

Never satisfied

Im depressed I don't understand why I feel so down not sure why I care that im single. I am lonely but don't want to be around friends. I want things I can't have I thought well I need to look for stu...
Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 22:26:00 GMT


Sitting here alone day by day night by night Wanting only to have someone to hold I feel so cold Deep inside feeling hollow The emptiness creeps up threatening to devour whats left My san...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 20:34:00 GMT

Not feeling well

I was going to write something but screw it anyway. I had it mostly written but who gives a shit. I don't like people much I just feel let down and people just piss me off. I write about how I feel an...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:56:00 GMT

Whats going on

Well I cut myself really bad a few days ago and had to get stitches it doesn't hurt really but it don't feel good either. Im awake it's almost 4am now Sunday morning. I went to bed  earlier and got up...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 02:16:00 GMT

I hurt myself

I unintentionally slit my wrist tonight.......No fucking joke I don't advise it it wasn't fun im more pissed than anything I don't want to talk about it but I know there really isn't anyway around it....
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 23:34:00 GMT


I had to work today Mondays I normally have off but my boss was sick. I got out of there a bit early was to tired. I got up today and got my oil changed and paid some bills. Sunday I ran over to Hasti...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 01:07:00 GMT

Bored on Saturday

Im really tired I worked 13 hours then without getting any sleep did another 8 or so. I came home and went strait to bed didn't get up until 7pm. Im still tired and now im bored as well. First off we ...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 23:34:00 GMT