About Mz.Avery♥
Hey wasup,i was born w/ the name Brooke. I go to SAC STATE, which makes me a hornet.I was born in Hawaii but I've moved around the country alot. I live in the bay, but right now I'm in Sac Town going to school. I also have a boyfriend who's ok...jp..i love him =) I'm mixed, I love to dance, and I'm scared of big bodies of water.i want a baby chimp if or when i (or my future husband) get the money. if not that ill settle for a few puppies.oh-& im allergic to mean people =)
aim screename babiedutchess
18 years old
health science major w/ concentration in health care administration
in sacramento,CA
love strawberries
[sorry im a champion]
i like all kinds of music, especially beyonce and kanye west. ill listen and dance to anything, except country and really hard core rock, i cant do all that screaming.
its a bitch, but i still love my life.especially when it involves strawberries, or swimming pools, or beaches, or barbecues, or snow, or gifts, or puppies, or good grades,pretty much anything that puts a smile on my face =D
the only people that you need life are the ones that need you in theirs... just a FEW special people to me... dance as though no one is watching love as though youve never been hurt sing as though no one can hear you live as though heaven's on earth **im a movement by myself.but im a force when we're together**