enjoying my life out of school. i geuss haging out with my best friends, 4 wheeling, hiking, climbing, being out doors you know every thing a normal high school graduate would do. . . . . . . . oh yeah and rideing my horse when ever i can get the cahnce.
some one who likes me for me, some one who makes me laugh with out trying, one whom i can talk to and i mean realy talk to.... some one who likes the out doors half as much as i do, and a person who is just them self not any thing different for different people!!!
contry, rock, rap, RMB, old school, techno fo sho, jazz, just about every thing
american outlaws, 3:10 to yuma, vsion quest, all 007's, sin city, die hards, super bad, hot rod, american pie's... you name it iv moste likely seen it!!!!!!!!
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CSI; Smallville, jericho, heroes fresh prince of bellair, no reality tv for me sorry.
im not going to lie i liked herry potter. ;
Brother; Dad; and big time,some one who puts it all on the line wight out a second thought or being asked to do so, in my eyes that shouts heroe!!!!!!