Mix martial arts
playing PS2
digital arts
JusT somE cool people that have some of the same interests or maybe someone who is completly opposite of me that can show me new cool stuff if you think you are something like that or if you want to add a geek so add me! if you are a web designer, digital artist, SEO's pls add me so we can share some blah blah blah blah blah if you want...
Jazz, reggae, blues, from alternative to death metal..
MY chemical romance, 311, SUBLIME, RATM,BOB MARLEY,ERectuS, redhotchilipeppers, mighty mighty boston, goldfinger, real big fish, cypresshill, wutang clan, public enemy, FranCisM, no doubt, sugarfree, stonefree, snoop dog,MEGADETH, Black Sabbath, TINA ARENA, Nora Jones, BB KING, JOE Satriani, too many to mention =(
AZUMI, Braveheart, MATRIX, LAST SAMURAI, samurai X, dodge ball, jim carrey's movies, adam sandler's movies and too many to mention!
that 70's show, the classic "WONDER YEARS" , Simpsons...
DISKARIL , cyber rules by Eric schmidt
- The Guy with long hair, long beard, wears white long clothes, and Revolutionist!
- Ernesto Guevarra