The Rich and Famous band storyThe band is the "star child†invention of Australian brothers Jeff and Cliff Hoad formed in 2002 as a reaction to what they describe as "faceless fodder." You may remember them as the song writing showstoppers behind "Kings of the Sun " (late 80's early 90's .While music was entering its serious flannel shirt dull-zone through the rest of the decade, the brothers were plotting their retaliation. 2002 enter, “Energy Fun and Entertainment" the roots on which The Rich and Famous were conceived. With Bass player/artist Dean Turner their plan is, rub your face in all the dirt, sleaze, and glitz n glamour of true Australian rock n roll. With the worlds absurd obsession with money and fame they chose their name carefully. Living by the motto "if you can’t beat em rock em!†they have been tearing up live shows throughout Australia and have just released a debut Album LIKE A SUPERSTAR, songs about the good, bad and ugly side of being "The Rich $ Famous"