averted eyes, bathrooms, being ridiculous, being startled, bending the rules, big sur, bill hicks, bloody hands, bouncy balls, breaking things, breath, Mr. Bubbins, captain planet, carl jung, change, chewing on my skin, choke, coffee, collages, colors, compliments, confessions in stone, connections, donnie darko, e.e. cummings, emotion, escape, evil eyes, experiments, felt tip pens, firefly, fruit, gas stations, geek love, hannibal, haunting, high fidelity, huxley, italy, jeanette winterson, kindness, kissin' kate barlow, kissing, laughter, learning, looking, madmen, midnight walking, momma, morning showers, my angel, never again, obsession, rage, ray bradbury, razors, repore, robert cormier, running, screaming, serial killers, sewing, spirit, steppenwolf, sweaty touching, talking, tequila, the da vinci code, the halloween tree, the moon, typewriters, undeniable laughter, walking, writing, zero... among other things. Heh.
People who enjoy crayons and construction paper, the simple things in life. People who never settle, in life or in desire. People with scars and shiny habits, habits for shiny things. People with not so shiny habits, or no habits at all. People. Musicians and drifters, people who hide and people who walk with their head high as clouds. I want to meet passionate people and hear their tales, I want to meet people who like holding hands. People who love gluing things, people with a passion that burns eternally inside and out. I want to meet psychos with dark edges, and I want to meet those who are insane. You know, people. And cats. And dogs, especially rottweilers. Birds, lizards and snakes. Things.
EL-P, Brazilian Girls, The Flamingos!, Dissonants, Bright Eyes!!!, The Mountain Goats, Xaenith, Deicide, The Door Keys, Ghost Mice, Soul Coughing, Defiance Ohio, Animal Collective, Sigur Ros, Sass Dragons, Prizzy Prizzy Please, The Magnetic Fields, Arcade Fire, T.V. on the Radio, the barn rats, Andrew Bird, Otis and The Rufies, Make Up, Give up the Ghost, Modest Mouse, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beethoven, Thrice, A fire inside, primitive radio gods, tears for fears, love and rockets, samhain, misfits, hoodoo gurus, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Dust From a Thousand Years, The Accidents, ♥PAL, What The Kids Want, Sissies, Fleshies, Tom Waits, Billie Holliday, buckethead, bill hicks, Elvis, mindless self indulgence, air, radiohead, dog fashion disco, deftones, atmosphere, twiztid, ICP, blaze, esham, Tech Nyne, Outkast, Slipknot, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Toadies, Flaming Lips, Against Me!, Rasputina, Marilyn Manson, Tool, a perfect circle, the platters, tones on tail, mazzy star, X, echo and the bunnymen, hedwig and the angry inch, NIN, alanis morrisette, Mudvayne, Stabbing Westward, Sublime, Drugstore, The Cramps, Some Girls, The Clash, The Cure, The Exploding Curve, secret chiefs 3, tenacious d, Planet Trash, Gravedigger, Ugly Casanova, L7, Lunachicks, Old 97's, Sage Francis, smoke or fire, ani difranco, and on and on...
Secondhand Lions kicks so much ass. Little Miss Sunshine. Gangs of New York. Harold and Maude forever. Equilibrium. Everything is Illuminated, oh my god. Copycat. The Crow. I got through years where I watch that movie every day. Hard Candy. V for Vendetta. True Romance. Batman Begins. Secretary. Natural Born Killers. The Princess Bride. Amelie. Donnie Darko. Fight Club. Bram Stokers Dracula, may I please have sex with Dracula? Phantom of the Opera. Edward Scissorhands. The Nightmare Before Christmas. The Lost Boys.
Buffy and Angel. The Oblongs. The X-Files. DEXTER. Stuff like that.
Going for titles here: Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Dearly Devoted Dexter, The Time Traveler's Wife, Another Roadside Attraction, Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas, Skinny Legs And All, I'M OK - YOU'RE OK, the da vinci code, angels and demons, here on earth, white oleander, american scream: the bill hicks story, everville, kiss the girls, red dragon, ♥Hannibal♥, silence of the lambs, choke, survivor, diary, lullaby, invisible monsters, stranger than fiction, am I blue?, animal farm, geek love, virgin suicides, encyclopedia of serial killers, e.e. cummings, love warps the mind a little, the green mile, catcher in the rye, one flew over the cukoos nest, the great shark hunt, I know this much is true, she's come undone, written on the body, generation x, girlfriend in a coma, tomcat in love, steppenwolf, the things they carried, franny and zooey, still ife with woodpecker, even cowgirls get the blues, and on and on...
My Momma is pretty much my favorite person, forever, and there were certain aspects of her that made her my all time top hero, but there's others. Like Mr. Larry Diamond, Dr. Larry, frogs. Harold and Maude. Dexter Morgan. Haley Stark. Hannibal. Iorek Byrnison. Will Parry. My friends and family. Actually, there are few people I have met that I don't find something amazing in, albeit at times something small. It still adds up much quicker than my brain can compute. And the female squirrel from The Sword and the Stone. She rules.