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friends, prefferably people but who knows now days..
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Lili St. Cyr!
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Tootsie Roll Pop
It only takes three licks to get to your center!
What Kind of Candy Are You?
You Should Rule Jupiter
Huge and hot, Jupiter is a quickly turning planet with short days and intense gravity.
You are perfect to rule Jupiter, because you are both dominant and kind.
You have great strength and confidence, but you never abuse your power.
You are always right. Even if you make mistakes, you compensate for them... before anyone knows it.
Headstrong and ambitious, you always have a goal in mind. You are optimistic and believe thing things will always work out.
What Planet Should You Rule?
wHaT aLcHoLiC dRiNk ArE yOu?
You like to have fun and you are a party animal! You like to go out and party dance!