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I am here for Friends

About Me

Like to have fun but run out of time too often. Live on the wet west coast of Canada. Feel spiritual but not really religious. Pack rat, as in I keep things that have emotional attachments - like things made for me by the kids years ago. While I was raised on bland foods, I like spicy stuff or things that challenge the taste buds. Sushi, curry, garlic, hot Mexican foods top the list. Play hockey (goalie) and want to keep that up for a while still. Lonely sometimes. I REALLY don't like it when some 20-something female sends me a message saying that my profile is hot. That just means they didn't actually look at it - I have and I'm not HOT by young adult standards! I am a bit older than that.


My Interests

I have lots of interests including cameras, computers and photography. All three combine now that I shoot digital. I play hockey still (goalie) and love to play other sports in a friendly way. Code basic html for webpages and help design stuff for people in Photoshop and Indesign. Started doing scrapbook pages.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet someone that wanted to get to know me a bit and be a friend before thinking about a relationship. Been hurt before and still a bit shy. Someone active that would like a friend to share some stuff with. Someone that would get along with my ex's teenagers, as they are the closest thing I have to kids of my own.

The Kings of Myspace - Myspace Rap Vid

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Above and below are a few minutes of Aaron Idol and Scotty Mac beating the heck out of each other - July 07


I like most types from classical to alternative. Don't much care for most Country or Gangsta (especially don't like music that talks bad about women as teenage girls have enough trouble without music putting them down more). Like some 60's and 70's stuff like Bowie and the Who, but would go nuts if that was all there was. Latest interesting music is the Mudmen, combining bagpipes with rockin' music.


Don't like most movies. I want to come out of a movie feeling happy and entertained. Last two I saw in a theater and liked were; the Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Pink Panther. Saw Nacho Libre on video, with my sister. I hate watching movies alone!


No cable or satellite so all I get are the 5 channels that come in without any help. Mostly watch news, hockey and CFL.


Science Fiction, when I can find a good one. Read some Devereel murder-mystery novels last summer - about lawyers, cops and smugglers. Pretty good really.


Gump Worsley (recently deceased) - goaltender for the Montreal Canadiens (traded there from NY Rangers for Jacques Plante - also a hero). Liked him because he was short and stocky (like me) and didn't care how he looked on the ice as long as he stopped the puck.

My Blog

summer is good

Okay, this summer is shapeing up very nicely. The camping roadtrip to Barkerville with Step and Sara was great, even with the bugs biting. You can see my pictures on the picture page from my profile. ...
Posted by archie on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:14:00 PST

Steppi's Day (and Canada Day too)

It's July 1st and you know what that is, right??  HAPPY SWEET 16 Stephanie! Oh ya, and it's also CANADA DAY. And it is only 1 week untill Step and Sara join me in a camping trip to Barkerville. T...
Posted by archie on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 08:58:00 PST


Wow - time flys by. Must be getting old. Feels like it right now, had to skip work today cause I caught this UGLY cold. For someone that hates being sick, I'm pretty good at catching every bug that co...
Posted by archie on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:55:00 PST

Greg Moore Opening

So - I was invitted to the opening of the Greg Moore Gallery at the BC Sports Hall of Fame on Monday. I have never been to an opening before and it was really good. I was there at the invitation of Do...
Posted by archie on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:32:00 PST

Just thinking

I'm bored. I have lots to do but I have a cold and don't really feel like doing any of the things I should be doing. Oh, I have been doing some of the video editting that I should have done for the ne...
Posted by archie on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 07:27:00 PST

New Year 2007

  Happy New Year. I'm soo bad and soooo behind in everything! Oh well. Ribs still hurt and sleeping in a sit-up position sucks. I've been having too much time to myself lately too - that's depres...
Posted by archie on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:07:00 PST

Weather wonders

What's going on here? The snow storm in November was weird and now we have just had our 9th wind storm of the winter. 1 wind storm would be unusual - 9 is totally wrong. It's not just here - it's ever...
Posted by archie on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:29:00 PST

where did the summer go?

Hey. back again. the whole summer has zoomed by again - a sure sign of age i guess. i remember being a kid and hearing my father say stuff like that ("Christmas again? It seems like just a few months ...
Posted by archie on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 12:13:00 PST

Timing is everything

Timing. The (ex's) kids always know it's me driving when we catch every red light. So, I sign up for myspace just as they are entering the worst problems they have ever encountered. Not a huge issue r...
Posted by archie on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 08:37:00 PST

another blog site! OH NOOOO!??!

Holy cow. I have signed up for yet another blog site. I think I must be an addict or something. There is this one, and the one at msn spaces and the old one at my personal homepage space. Too many may...
Posted by archie on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:03:00 PST