..> Arguing With the Projectionist on FunnyOrDie.com ..>
5000 as of 9:30pm 6/18/06
6000 as of 9:10am 7/02/06
7000 as of 3:39pm 9/18/06
8000 as of 12:00pm 11/22/06
9000 as of 12:30pm 2/5/07
10,000 as of 8:00am 5/10/07
11,000 as of 7:00am 7/3/07
" When you think you know the game, I change the rules."- great words to live by!
Who me? Just a lone pilgim in the Arizona artistic highway by the name of Christopher. Musician(20+ years bass guitar), Comedian(8 years performing), Actor & director. I consider myself one of the few people to have performed on some of the most well known venues in Arizona for no money. Such places include: The Mason Jar(RIP), The Electirc Ballroom(RIP), Tempe Long Wongs(RIP), The Tempe Improv, The Venue at Scottsdale(Formerly the Cajun House), The Paper Heart Venue, The Trunk Space, Celebrity Theatre, Herberger Theatre, Mesa Arts Center, The Comedy Spot and the Glendale Public Library. I have worked with such Arizona artistic troupes as Apollo-12 Improv(Founders of the Phoenix Improv Festival) and Come As You Are Entertainment(azrocky.com). I have also performed with such theatre companies as Artists Theatre Project, Southwest Shakespeare Company, and Mesa Encore Theatre. When not doing the above, I produce and direct an online sketch progran, Video Difficulties.
Currently I am working freelance as a videographer(weddings, events, comedy, videos, let's talk!) and will be producing more shows in 2008. Stay tuned!
and in my spare time I own a cat.
4 Bradley, RIP my bro!
NOTE TO BANDS!!! I performed in an Arizona band for 8 years, The Narrow Way, so I know the difficulty in getting exposure. And I have a soft spot for my AZ brethren. That said, I will add your ass to this myspace...IF you're an Arizona band.
And if you add this link....
Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Chariot card. The Chariot has the energy to succeed. Their ambition and drive leads them into competition, and they often come out the victor. The fast-paced energy of the chariot is met with the ability to control and lead. The Charioteer's leadership is not authoritarian but rather an attempt to bring their team to victory. The Charioteer can be obedient to those who have proven themselves in a position of leadership. Physical prowess and activity are important to the meaning of this card. Travel is found here as a journey of personal growth. Moving from one point to another in attempt to find a better place may be taken both literally and as a metaphor for the inner self. Image from: Dorothy Simpson Krause. http://www.dotkrause.com/art/tarot/tarot.htm
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