I liKe wAtcHinG aNimE... rEadiNg mAngAs,,, suRfiNg tHe nEt aNd sEarChiNg foR cUte aNimE pIcs...ReaDing boOks eSp hArrY pOtter. I aLso liKe plAying bAdmiNton
AnyOne as loNg aS thEy're frieNdly and kiNd. aNd thEy rEallY reAlly reaLLy rEally loVe aNimE!!! hehehe
I loVe liSteNing tO aNimE mUsiC... alSo jpOp and kpOp... eSp bOa... sHe's mY favE... aLso LinKin ParK... aNd anYthinG thAt sAtisFy mY mooDs...fontembed enableJavascript="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"
I liKe wAtching HaRry PoTter, liZzie mcGuire tHe moVie, FreAky fRidaY, tHe aDdams faMily, prActiCal mAgic, tHe otHers and many more...i alSo likE cArdcAptor sAkurA thE mOviE! i wAtchEd iT aNd it wAs rEally rEAlly good! syaoran-kun is soooooo cute! hehe..
I loVe waTchiNg aNimE eSp CarDcaPtor SakUra, Inu YaSha aNd RuRouni KenShin, RanMa 1/2, gEt bAckerS, GTO, chObits aNd many, many more. I've also wAtch TsuBasa ChroNicles! SakUra and SyaOran-kun are sO cute ^_^ i ust love watching it!
HarRy PotteR. soMetimEs JuDith McNaught noVels (influenced by maye) and i lIke reAdiNg mAngA... eSpeCially "kill me kiss me" it's sooooooo cute!!!!!!! ive also rEad the wAllfloWer a.k.a. yaMato naDesico sHichihenge... kyohei-kun is so cute ^_^ aLso KamIkaZe kAitOu jEannE... maRon and chIaki lOok so cUte toGetheR!
Li ShaoRan and SaKura bEcauSe theY reAlly roCk and thEy alWays sAve thE dAy!!!