Darts, Kareoke, my pups, boating, jetskiing, raunchy porn, getting rediculously drunk usually on accident sometimes on purpose, spinach, Krispy Kreme, and Smutty literature. please friend request me. i enjoy being hit on by men who i dont know, so send pics if you want them from me. I also enjoy picking my nose, not in public or anything. And when I'm by myself, oh, nevermind!
Music Video Codes
The guy who runs Airtran.......1st of all who closes the gate 10minutes early. That's crap. 2nd of all get some friggin pest control in the NY airport. I mean, I thought the little mouse we made friends with in the 7hrs we had to sit there was cute but I know for a fact the lady beside me was a little freaked out.
sometimes i buy condements like mayo, or penut buter just to squish my bare feet into. i saw it on striptease... the vasileen in the boots bit and really havent been the same since. i like to make toe fists in it. then i take pictures of it. i look at them when im lonely. :)
I'm not big on reading, spelling is really difficult for me and so is pronuciation, so I just don't do it.