Glen profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I was born and raised in Milledgeville Ga. Been hitched twice, been divorced twice. Got two wonderful girls to show for it. Well one little girl(5) and one young lady (17). The oldest is from my first marriage and the youngest my X and I adopted her. They are my world and no one or nuthing will ever come between me and them. I love to ride and enjoy bike rallys the most fun you can have with your britches on....or off. Been ridin Harleys all my adult life and not planning now.. Not into the dating thing much. I work alot and don't have time for a lot of BS and seems everyone I try to date lately has lots of drama and thats cool because I am perfectly happy by myself, But on the same note I do miss the friendship of someone that I really care about. I have some faults just like everyone else. Maybe more than some. However I am not any of the following. I will say it again. I AM NOT any of the following. (Cheater, Drunk, Wife Beater, Job Hopper) or any of that. I don't live with my mom, I don't depend on someone to take me to and from work or anywhere else. I have my own vehicles(hell I got two with four wheels, one with six and one with two.) And I have insurance and license for them all. I am also a business owner. Yes I own a company that services and repairs equipment. (forklifts, backhoes, industrial equipment and more)I have been very lucky over the last several years. Well that's about that. I will tell ya all the bad later....Just kidding. I think I am a pretty good guy.
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My Interests

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I enjoy........Hunting, fishing, bike rally's, camping, cooking, cleaning---ooops that slipped. I hate cleaning. I also enjoy going out to dinner or just staying home and cooking a steak. I like flea markets, shopping in general I guess. I like to spend money. I work hard for it so I can spend it like I want to. I like the beach and the mountains. I like to plan out trips or just come home on Fri. load the bike in the Toy Hauler and take off to wherever the road leads.
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I'd like to meet:

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Duane Allman, I would liked to have met him one time so I could ask him how in the HELL he talked Gregg into shooting his foot in the back yard of the big house in Macon Ga. I know that Beer, Drugs and the Draft had a big part in it...See ya by the tracks man I love ya. .............Other than Duane I would like to meet a nice lady. Someone that has it together. I am not into all the as you say "Drama". I have enough going on myself running a business is a full time job. Not looking to support someone, not that im cheap because I am far from cheap. I just don't want to have to raise a adult child. I would hope this lady would also have her own vehicle and also be licensed and insured to operate it or them. The house thing is not important, but I hope she is not the bag lady. Someone that can dress up for a important dinner date, put on some camo and go sit in a tree with me during deer season, or put on the leather and saddle up on the bike for a ride. She must not have a problem with going to biker events such as bike rallys, poker runs, rides to the bar, etc. or be prepared to stay at home without me. I know I sound like I am asking for the perfect woman. I am.. I am by far not perfect, or god's gift to women. I am not a body builder or all buff. Im not even in that great of shape. In fact im out of shape, old and overweight. But IM WORTH IT.


Country, Southern Rock. Allman Bros., Lynard Skynard, Black Foot, Stevie Ray(best guitar picker that ever lived).Chris Peeler, Big Mike, Hal and Cuz gonna be on this list one day..You too Josh.


Not realy a movie kinda guy. I usally go to


News, cops TLC, Discovery, OCC, Biker build off.....The normal "man shows"


The Harley Davidson Parts Book.


My Grandaddy. He was also my friend and I miss him very much.