Melissa. profile picture


About Me

The name's Melissa.
I'm your average girl, with average thoughts, and average friends, and I have average interests in my average town. I play Grand Theft Auto like it's what keeps me alive, I talk as if I'm some intelligent girl, and I text way more than I should. I think too much, and I suffer from depression- but seriously, who doesn't think about jumping off their roof, to land onto the icy driveway below? It seems fun.
Basically; I'm a playaa. ;) Straight up. I say stupid things, and I laugh ridiculously much. I will annoy you with my music collection. I obsess over my hair, and I like looking my best. My boyfriend is the most amazing person ever. I have the best friends a girl could randomly choose.
All things considered, I've got a good life, especially compared to most. Boys Like Girls is my favorite band, and I am absolutely in love with them, their music, and everything else that comes from them. I aspire to be a writer, that dream will never come true. I live for the future, and not today. I can be a stuck-up bitch. I'm over-obsessive and wayyy too jealous. I love people easily, and a lot. I've got a big heart.
I contradict myself only too often, and I will never stop admitting to being a hypocrite. I'm short. I'm absolutely adorable. I almost remind myself of a puppy. Just I wish I was a kitten. Memories are what keep me going, and I live for people. I like making people happy. If you laugh at my jokes, you will become my best friend. Straight up. If I think you're cool, and you give me your number, I WILL text you a lot.
Indeed, I could continue to talk about myself, the things I do, and feel and how I act and what-not, but that would just bore you. :) Text mehh, because it's my obsession, overall.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet Nicole Ashley
Because she's so far beyond amazing. Bitch is insane. I love you, Nig. Soulkeepa<3

Melissa Marie, get ready for this long ass section.
You don't understand how much you mean to me. I don't care that I might not meet you for a while. I'll wait. I've told you everything that's ever bothered me. Your my go-to person. I've never had to worry about being judged by what I tell you. And you know you can count on me, too. "Whatever, Whenever. That's the code." You've helped me with so much awkward teenage shit that I don't think I would have been able to talk to about with anyone else. You make the bad time's funny and the good time's last. You know that no matter how frickin' amazingly retarded you are, I love you. I don't even care that you spend your Tuesday's in a shack, haha. Fuck being best friends. Your way more that that. And saying your like a sister would be an understatement. Your like my Goddamn "Soul Keeper" as you once said it. Haha.
Just know that no matter what the hell happens to either of us, and no matter who walks in and out of our lives; that I'm always going to be here. Until you get sick of me, and way past that.
I'm not leaving anytime soon, babe. ;]

Marcie Ann & Bella Donna
They're pretty nifty gals <3

Layout by: MichLayouts

My Blog

Nothing else matters anymore

All in all, things are spectacular....I'm probably going to delete my old blogs. Some memories...shouldnt be there, ya know?Some dont have to be.Everything's going great.I love Gage, seroiusly. And Th...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 19:55:00 GMT

Things are definitely looking up

I love my boyfriend, I love my bestfriends,I love people in general.Gage,Marcie,Nicole,Amanda,Andy<33333Man oh man, life is just amazing.however, internally, things fucking suck.Ehhh. I'm alive tho...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 18:30:00 GMT

You don't know

one thing about depression, sweetie. it's not a joke, nor is suicide, so stop treating it so lightly. yeah we all go through shit but some of us just...can't cope well.and guess what?you have friends....
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 22:31:00 GMT

Above all,

I miss you.I hope you're well... Or will be. I don't know. I love you.
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:02:00 GMT

April 8, 2009

I don't care anymore.I want to go to my support group.Even though they don't like me either.I lost every desire to live. I don't even want to die.I just want to sleep.Is that too much to ask for?
Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 17:26:00 GMT

April 2, 2009

Dose on my meds went up half a teaspoonTomorrow is last day of 3rd quarterI have late work to doI hate schoolI hate peopleSupernatural on tonightI'm texting a lotI feel like you-know-who was deleted f...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 14:12:00 GMT

March 30, 2009

I dunno what to say really. A lot's been going on lately. Almost too much to think about. I've lost friends, been a total bitch, been bitched at, been talked about, talked about others, and stuff.It's...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:09:00 GMT

Suicide Notes

That's the book I'm reading.I'll be done with it by tomorrow. That's definite.Tylerr hates me or something. I don't really know what I did, but he decided we shouldn't be friends. It really hurt me.Al...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:21:00 GMT

Being Alone Is Spectacular

I have no energy.I'm sick of having no one.I seriously, don't want to do anything.fuck. my. life.
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:13:00 GMT

It's been a while since I've smiled.

Hey guys and gals. I haven't really blogged in a while. A lot has happened. So here's the highlights: I've been talking to someone a lot more.A couple people, actually...I finally went to the dr's.......
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 20:46:00 GMT