Its All bOut tha MemOries...
:: t0 my haters::
I keep it real and thats a pr0mise
I may be a bitch but @ least im h0nest
When i walk by y0u st0p and stare
We'll keep 0n l0oking cus i d0nt care
I have my 0wn life and style
N0t trying t0 please y0u 0r make y0u smile
When it c0mes t0 c0mpetition y0u are 0ut
N0w shut up y0u hating Ass
And keep me 0ut of y0ur m0uth
Cus i aint a dick!
FUCK the fake...
* Thanks f0r making me the center 0f y0ur w0rld*
♥Marylin M0nr0e, Paul walker,T.I,Rachel Mcadams, 2PAC♥..
kOopsta knicca which yall prOlly nEver hEard Of:
2pac,biggie,T.I,thrEe 6mafia,50 CENT, Ludarcris,Eminem,
KaynE wEst,Rihanna,bOne thugs -n-HarmOny,Bush,Celldweller,smilE empty sOul,linkin park,
lOst prOphets,slipknOt,lOst bOys,nirvana,kOrn Etc
Scrubs,Family Guy,sOuthpark.FlavOr Of lOve, i love new york, rOb & big,CarlOs Menica,CSI Las Vegas,mOst Evil,hOgan knOws best,TRL,BET, the girls next door,fOod NetwOrk,