Sorry I don't have music up there will be music up on here really soon. I just need to record it. :) So look for the new song "Separate Ways", and "Drama"Not your average girl next door, Anjil is more like the girl down the block. With a sexy sweet smile and a voice that seems to come from the heavens, she will capture you attention and will keep it. She rules the stage with her confidence and her swagger is impeccable. Singing and writing her own music since she was in the 8th grade her ability has only grown."I started getting serious after I got in to a girl group with my best friends Whitney and Britney called Inphinity. Thats when I was named Anjil; I guess it just stuck. Now I'm 18 and a high school graduate. Been out of school for two years, this is what I am meant to do. I can just feel it in my bones. It's not an Anjil, Anise thing it's just Anjil." So far a way from her 8th grade persona. Anjil has her own style that is hard to describe that no one tries anymore; and thats just the way she likes it. Undescribable, undeniable, undefined.Watch closely as this Anjil spreads her wings because there is more to come.