WHOREMASTERY profile picture


About Me

Depart from her, as to not take part in her sins. and recieve a share of her plagues, for her sins are piled to the sky, for god does remember her crimes. Pay her back as she has paid others. Pay her back double for her deeds. pour into her cup double for what she has poured. repay her in torment and grief. Therefore her plagues will come in a single day. pestilence, grief, and famine. AND SHE WILL BE CONSUMED BY FIRE! "revelations 18. 4"..This profile was edited with 666

My Interests


Member Since: 16/02/2005
Band Website: contact us @ [email protected]
Band Members: Worm~vocals/guitar/bass/drumsSpidey~live guitar Handinjury~Drums
Influences: wargasm, vio-lence, napalm death, torsofuck, genital fungus, terrorizer, hateplow, human remains, municipal waste, entombed, iron maiden, slayer, cannibal corpse, carcass, death, anal cunt, murder steinbag, exodus, anal blast, M.O.D., suicidal tendencies, pig destroyer, devourment, nasum, S.O.D. the berzerker, anthrax, neurotoxin , the misfits, hank 111 , G.G. allan, MC5, the temptations, the 4 tops, earth wind and fire, elvis.................666
Record Label: Fuck brockton rec.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

WHOREMASTERY/MURDERSTEINBAG split release..and other updates!

I will be doin a split release with my bros in murder steinbag by mid summer. I will have new songs for the release that I am working on along with adding some of the old clasicks!!! Since none of my ...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:21:00 GMT

Live review!!!!!

9:00 came and went and the first band still hadnt taken the stage. The crowd was more than decent for a stormy night with two unknown bands on the bill. The full lineup was Malamor, Bane of Exis...
Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 13:17:00 GMT