iota profile picture


About Me

Ï o t a : 2005-07. Burnt out and broke up danish hard working hard rockers, still sounds like any hardcore evergreen you ever did imagine, and now it is; forever farewell to a fairly patient local test audience. Ï o t a..s truly original executing of modern time..s punkrock, the white mans rhythm & blues, and young blind believes in satan the devil of devils actually did make reasonable progress towards ideal ways to play these songs. YOU got close to great melodies, agnostic beats, whipping guitars and thunderous bassplay within every track. Never came out right. Never came out wrong. Just never came out. YES to any worship of common sense, extraordinary great taste in pure blackened sonic stimuli, and even YOU if you stay keen on this dead rocker. Still dead. No fake mustaches, and no romantic dancing in the crowd, please. This is Ï o t a. Burnt out in hummer. Thanks for the odds guys.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/02/2005
Band Members:
Influences: great tits of cool music here we go . ...and you will know us by the trail of dead . hot snakes . blonde redhead . at the drive-in . tragedy . refused . helmet . sonic youth . unsane . aphex twin . mastodon . breach . the roots . kent . bad religion . on trail . death from above 1979 . pjh . tom waits . robert johnson . metallica and lars ulrich 2008 . let zeppelin . brutal truth . mr. howlin wolf . mr. bill hicks . the war and the jazz .
Sounds Like: Current contenders; vocal: Henrik Ohlsen / guitar: Sune Kaarsberg / bass: Søren Nybo / drums: Jeppe Munk Åkesson
Record Label: none

My Blog

Ingen under, intet over

Kære klaphat. Vær sød ikke at komme på lades d. 29. marts og høre vores talentløse band iota spille. Øllet er dyrt, du må ikke ryge dernede, personalet griner af dig når du kigger væk og københavner...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:39:00 GMT

iota v. 2.0...WE ARE BACK

 iota v. 2.0For almost 2 years we have been without much communication with the world outside our rehearsal cell in Copenhagen. Hello again motherfuckers! MUCH has changed during that period, and...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:05:00 GMT

News Aug 07, Iota v 2.0 soon to be launched!!!

Iota has been hidden away in the rehearsal room for almost 2 years now. Many things has happened in that period, and we are soon ready to present the new Iota. The old songs have been removed, since t...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:17:00 GMT