Phil coz he is like the greatest guy ever n I love him loads n he is really really cool n is just great in everyway possible. Erm I also like my music. N oh ye Phil is GREAT!!!!!
and by the way phil wrote all that not me xox
visit This Band's Page.
My heroes are all my friends...
Hayley....or Hayley Bobs. She means a lot to me and I don't know what I would do without her!!!!! Shes always there for me and I havnt fallen out with her ever!
Robyn is great!! She is so posh though haha!!! I love her to bits though and i know I can count on her when things get bad
Emily is the blondest girl i know but you can always count on her to make you laugh. Shes my boy gossip buddy and i love her lots!
I love lizzy soooo much. I can talk to her about anything at all and i know she wont judge me. She's my form buddy and the person who inspired me to be a mouse. oh and if it wern't for her I wouldn't have met phil! mwa lizzy x
Speaking of Phil here he is!! He can play the guitar :] very well xoxox
Ive known Richard since the beginning of year 7!!!! We've been in the same Maths set for FOUR years now and I honestly think I know him quite well...i can give him good advice and vice versa. Oh and now I'm in a band with him!!!!!
ahhh hugh good old hughburt my little pornstar!!! He's great, completely random and crazy but great. Phitty also! We made a play together, "they died" haha good old drama times indeed!
stacey!!! shes so great and has everyones best intrests at heart. The peacemaker infact. Shes so nice. But also verrrry random. Which is good =] random is good.
Georgia!!! shes great and has an amazing voice indeed. We sang together in year 7 har har that was good. we were good :] i dont know her that well but shes still one of my chums mwa!
Lucy Loo!!! shes great, really stupid and random but great. Oh and she is also as deaf as a post but i love her to bits!
James.. ahh James...or should I say JA!!! my physics buddy. together we make a great team, he does the mathy question, i do the other ones. dhame we cant do that in REAL exams but me. Story Time! Green is so your colour and the emo band. fun times fun times
Squashman!!! aka Ian. I have never met him but i love him lots...him and his tendency to tak abou sex and his notorius but quite funny dick size scale x
Hannah- i cant find a pic of yoo but you know how much i love you and you laugh. my little strawberry short xox
And all the rest of you lot [my matees] out there I love you a ton and never forget that =]