I've decided that this space shall be used for other things other than my interests but that is probably going to be all that you get. I love: My sister, Music, Justin, Kassidy, Abe!!, Ty!!!!, Jason, Brandie, Andy, Kelsey, Drama, Speech, Dillon the Dill Doe, Ms. B, Cara, Jenny, Thomas Ibarra, Thomas Peterson, Rhiannon, Anna T, Devo, Nate Martinez, Madi, My BOSS JULIE!!!!, Cricket!!, Sue!!! Ruth!!, My cats, BAND, Playing instruments, my clarinet, My mom and Dad, Celery with peanut butter, Life water, Vitamin Water, My sisters Boyfriend Matt cuz he sounds exactly like andy and is my sisters best yet lol, Hippo's, Myself, having fun, driving around (not driving to Guerney though), sleeping in class, aiding the little kids, listening to crazy songs....crazy good!!!, being myself and not really caring what you think, and many other things and people
Many people and Its probably you!!!
All Types of music and if i really had the patience to name every band and what not that i like/love I would but i have a very short attention spand and i admit it. I love all types like Metal Alternative Punk Some Rap Rasta for sure Jazz Classical Musicals and much more. I do not like country music at all. I guess the twang thing doesn't really do it for me.
I love humor movies chick flicks Scary movies thinker movies and many more. I love funny movies cuz i love laughing, I love chick flicks cuz i don't know if you know this but i'm a woman and i watch them and occasionally cry Scary movies so i can get closer to the one i'm with Thinker movies cuz the suspense is killer (literally)
i'm a librarian and i'm supposed to read a lot but i don't. I'm reading the kurt cobain journals right now and i once read a book about a cannibal I reccomend them both lol. You can ask me about books and i'll tell you what you want to know cuz it's in my job description but that doesn't mean i've read it.
Jack Black My Aunt Shelly My Sister Megan My parents Myself