JoShY~WaShY profile picture


Stop Baby.. You're Such a Flirt- michael

About Me

Im Josh and im cool. I go to Clackamas High School. Im a junior Im 17. I like to be active. I love sports. I like to meet new people. My friends are pretty sweet. And we're weird. Im single. Talking with a lisp is my new thing. it thsounds thso thsexy. Im a pretty nice guy. but if you piss me off then youve got another thing comin. I like girls. Expecially the ones with good personalities, that are good lookin, fun to be around, and can make me laugh. If your not a girl like that than your not worth talking to regardless your sexyness. I hate sluts and snobs. I need a good girl in my life. My best buds are Michaelchon Tonypong Taylor David Tony and last but surely not least Nicky-Poo. We're close like peanut butter and jelly. IM me sometime ♥ladiesman4sho89♥
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@ HOT music / movies

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Random IM That I Think Are Funny..*BRILIANT DAVID* ladiesman4sho89: does angela like you? blevensCHS: molly said she like me some times blevensCHS: so i was like well wtf blevensCHS: she can not lake me all the time now ladiesman4sho89: i don tbelieve i understand blevensCHS: i know its fucking weard blevensCHS: she said she likes me some times, and some times she dose not like me *DAVID* ladiesman4sho89: david... ladiesman4sho89: ive got a question ladiesman4sho89: answer honestly blevensCHS: ok ladiesman4sho89: why do u like dick so much? ladiesman4sho89: i dotn care ladiesman4sho89: i just want the truth blevensCHS: well you know its like apart of me you know ladiesman4sho89: yea ladiesman4sho89: wanna quit being gay? ladiesman4sho89: have u ever thought about it blevensCHS: no*DAVID* ladiesman4sho89: im gonna start typeing like i have a lisp blevensCHS: no ladiesman4sho89: pleasth? blevensCHS: mabe to some one smarter ladiesman4sho89: haha true*ME AND TONY (ROLL PLAY)* ladiesman4sho89: well does she like u or wut nicca Tonskeeyasee: idk mann i cant tell and im not gonna ask? ladiesman4sho89: ill ask ladiesman4sho89: right now ladiesman4sho89: ring ring ..... Tonskeeyasee: hello? ladiesman4sho89: haha hi Tonskeeyasee: whos this? ladiesman4sho89: alexiths ladiesman4sho89: duhoi Tonskeeyasee: hahahahaaha no im her and u gotta ask me for me ok ladiesman4sho89: hello me ladiesman4sho89: do u like me? Tonskeeyasee: lol no no no ok ill start off and u r urself ok and u gotta ask me "alexis" if i like "tony" ok! ladiesman4sho89: ok ladiesman4sho89: ring ring ring.... ladiesman4sho89: buenos diaz ladiesman4sho89: alexis me gusta tony? Tonskeeyasee: lol seriously ladiesman4sho89: yea ladiesman4sho89: i thik he likes you Tonskeeyasee: fuk u do it right ladiesman4sho89: haha wut ladiesman4sho89: y u alwasy screwing this up Tonskeeyasee: u r u Tonskeeyasee: u r not me! Tonskeeyasee: or starting over Tonskeeyasee: hello? ladiesman4sho89: bueno Tonskeeyasee: lol stop ladiesman4sho89: ok thseriouths now Tonskeeyasee: hello? ladiesman4sho89: hi dumpling Tonskeeyasee: whos this? ladiesman4sho89: you tell me you called me Tonskeeyasee: lol fuk u forget Tonskeeyasee: it ladiesman4sho89: o yeths. why my name is alexthis Tonskeeyasee: fuk u josh*KEVIN AND I* P O POTATOE77: so wanna cut the small talk and just stick it up there? ladiesman4sho89: psh yea P O POTATOE77: haha ladiesman4sho89: doink P O POTATOE77: jk i gotta build the suspense somehow ladiesman4sho89: shit stain balls! u tricked me P O POTATOE77: lol P O POTATOE77: no teased* P O POTATOE77: a temporay tease P O POTATOE77: i gave you some frosting P O POTATOE77: but your'll get the cake eventually P O POTATOE77: lol ladiesman4sho89: haha ladiesman4sho89: damn ur good with ur words P O POTATOE77: lol ladiesman4sho89: i just wanna lick ur ear!


Winky Winky Song

Funny Song


jims spag


I love all books. I read everyday.


My Mom. And The Guy On My Myspace That Plays Twister With Dead Cats