i LiKe pEoPLe iF ThE'R niCe, i LiKe tHiNgS ThAt r nEw! aNd I lOvE bEinG ma' SeLf...i PrAcTiCaLLy LiKe A LoT Of ThInGs, bUt wHaT i LikE tHe MoSt iS WhEn PeOpLe ArE "rEaL" tO mE....pReTeNtIoNs NoT ReQuIrEd hehehhehe....wIth PrEtEnTioNs,ThAtS WhEn PeOpLe GeT sCaRy!!!! ^_^
Light’n bubbly people who could mesh with ma chic, who could decipher every paroxysm or snarl I’m in. (I may sound so egotistical but damn I could not find a person like that! Gees it upsets me!) And at least a sweet pill to my mind-numbing moments…. (Where could I buy such a person? In a drugstore I suppose! Hehehe….) they must be around this juncture somewhere….I’d better start looking for them before I go fanatical…hehehe
PuNk'rOcK WhEn M HaPy,ALtErNaTiVe Or pOp WhEn m N LoVe, aNd JaZz WhEn mY DaD s ArOuNd!!! hehe!!!lolz
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