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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

well people call me pie man. still single but working on it.i am just a regular kid with good with goods friends and looking for more. pretty much im a down to earth kid thats looking for a girlfriend.I am also nothing but muscle and have the brad pitt fight club six pack.i also like beutiful pictures of love ,poetry, pooping and long walks on the beach...did i say that out loud. if you dont like me then all i can say is fuckk u but if u do then cool. if you want to get to know me im me at blinkfreak1225
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well i would like to meet UR MOM ,bam fucking margera because he is awseome,jack black hes a silly bitch,will ferrel,,johnny knoxville chris farely(if he was alive) dane cook.also jenna jamenson and briana banks in a orgy with me,freddy madball, buddah,all out war,throwdown,billy joel armstrong,mike dirnt,tr'e cool,wee man,ice de angalo,jimmy kimmel and adam corolla,dexter holland and the rest of the guys from offspring,and the creators of south parkFree Myspace Pictures .. MYFLYPROFILE.NETMYFLYPROFILE.NET

My Blog

Emo Faggots

all i got to say is, Youre a Punk, Youre a Bitch, Waste of Space, Emo FaggotTime Is Running Out For You, You And Your, Faggot CrewBeen Around For A Year, Try To Prove, Better Than MeI Will Break Your ...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 15:50:00 GMT