Mike, Chosen to speak for those who no longer can profile picture

Mike, Chosen to speak for those who no longer can

About Me

A good video on our purpose. Not necessarily an endorsement to the advertised website. Mainly because I haven't researched the advertised site yet. But I do feel the the video and that is why I share.If only more were like these 12 and 13 year olds!WELCOME!!!! I hate to start my welcome to you off with so much negative but I do so only to get the attention and to reach out to those that do not yet see. I feel you sort of have to take advantage of the limited attention that one gives initially and smack them in the face with truth in hope that will promote longer concentration which will hopefully then lead to more research beyond what I all have to share. I can only try. Do you know of all of the lies that surround the 9/11 tragedy? It was completely pre-planned. Who, Why, and What, you will need to research on. But if you are just figuring this out now, you better hurry up because you have A LOT OF CATCHING UP TO DO. I strongly encourage you to make extra time to look into it ASAP!!!!! Tomorrow could be too late. By saying you have a lot of catching up to do, I say that assuming that you don't see the other lies around us either. The fact that our planet has been and still is visited from distant civilizations, our government actually has traveled much further in space than what has been released to the public, the fact that world governments are constantly spraying our skies for many reasons out of aircraft, the fact that most foods available to us contain multiple poisons, artificial sweeteners are extremely harmful, that most personal care products contain poisons, organized religion poisons, technology for all power from H20 has been around for 40+ years, even SIMPLE modification will convert any gasoline engine to hydrogen power TODAY, all media is controlled, AND THE LIST GOES ON! For you, your loved ones, children, friends, family, etc, please take a moment to hear me out briefly, PLEASE. It is only normal to question what I share with you. Hopefully you don't confuse question with doubt. If you do, ask yourself this, "How would I benefit from telling you lies?". This IS a matter of life or death for ALL those that share this beautiful planet in the present and future. Knowledge will help you. I share all my information with you and open up to you FULLY so that I can help you see. Why would I want to help you? Because I actually care about you. Without YOUR help, our children, my children, our future generations do not have a chance to live life the way it ought to be lived. I know what your potential is. I want you to become whole. I want you to see the good that I see too. Because there is A LOT of good too! You need to see the bad that has, is, and continues happening to all of us. You have to see both to understand. If you don't, it will just continue. Most don't know what I am talking about because all the information the average person receives is in fact, filtered, deleted, changed, not mentioned, etc. Filtered and only containing the information that "They" want you to know. "They" meaning those few that are currently in the upper management positions of this world, ordering and controlling us for their benefit ONLY. This is not your fault!!! It is your fault though if you continue to not take the time to hear and see all the signs that are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. If you take some of your precious time (as I know everyones time is very limited, including my own) and just view some of the videos that I have on this page, you will start to become aware. It will still take more effort on your part, but it is a great start. Consider it my gift to you. Please don't throw the gift away and let us all down, we are ALL counting on you. Yes, you! I can not stress the importance enough. The issues I share with you are issues that affect EVERYONE LIVING ON EARTH. We can only change it by sharing the truth with other people. Then those people have to share and so on.When reading what I have written and provided you, I hope you are not quick to label me or my friends on myspace as crazy, radicals, conspiracy theorists, or worse. That is easy to do because that is what we have been taught to do unfortunately. You may recall this recent Bush statement, "You're either with us or you're with the enemy". When in fact, we are TRUE patriots that want OUR country back and to end human suffrage that is happening all over EARTH. That may seem like asking a lot but actually would be relatively easy if that was everyones real intention of doing. The only way we can do that is by patiently sharing our education with you one way or another. The key to a happier, enriching, and fuller life has been put in your hands. What you decide to do, is a decision that you make for us all NOW and for us all FUTURE. It's up to you to actually use it, see it, do it. I will help what I can. I'll say it again, yes, because I care about YOU.I wanted to take up the room of this "About Me" section to relay my intentions of myspace and what I hope to do by educating those that haven't been yet. To understand more about me personally, you can just ask.Feel free to write with ANY questions. I thank you from my soul for viewing. Seems the easiest way to vaguely say it.I can not wait until the day comes when we all work together to end human suffrage, heal our planet, heal our spiritual being, and open up to distant travel. It is coming, once enough of us reach a higher consciousness! In other words, "Being able to see past bull-shit". The sooner you are informed, the better for you and yours. I need to remind you that the information we currently have access to today could easily be taken away from us as easily as were other freedoms in the past and present. BELIEVE ME "They" would like to. The future hasn't happened YET!!!!!!!!!! HELP CHANGE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!MY FAMILY CIRCLEfound this fantasy layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsA change is definitely coming. I don't see it as being as horrible as end times/armageddon type change. But it will surprise those who are uneducated. Possible Earth / Gaia cleansing when they stop spraying the skies. Amoung other things too. Always best to prepare for the worst though.Release the fear, release the control.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I mainly desire to meet ANY ONE FROM ANY WHERE.

My Blog

Are Ancient Mayans onto Something? R we in for a change in 2012? It isn't just them saying it.

  Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day Many of us are aware of the Mayan calendar but not many people truly understand what it means and how it works. Yes the calendar does end on Dece...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 01:12:00 GMT

Linkin Park - Hands Held High

Linkin Park - Hands Held High ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------Hands Held High-Linkin Park With LyricsFrom: Debbie Peace, Love and HarmonyDate: Jun 18, 2008 1:59 PMhttp:...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:19:00 GMT

Carcinogens found in ORGANIC Personal Care Products! Link to check yours.

 Please share with others.Some of the Leading Brands found to Contain 1,4-Dioxane JASON Pure Natural & Organic Giovanni Organic Cosmetics Kiss My Face Nature's Gate Organics These are just a few o...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:48:00 GMT

Compact Flourescent Light Bulb Warning by Representative

These bulbs will have major ramifications. Not at all a solution to any energy or environmental crisis. A step backward instead of forward it is.----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------IMP...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 18:17:00 GMT


This is why it is vital to take vitamins and minerals that help cleanse your body and also run true HEPA filters in your home. The less of all this sh%t you have in your body, the better you/we will b...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:49:00 GMT

Visits by Distant Civilizations WELL documented in OUR history

UFO Artwork B.C. These petroglyphs were created thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the American Southwest. According to Indian folklore, two objects collided high in the sky and on...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 02:37:00 GMT

Sacred Spirits

Our favorite music to date for many years. Sacred Spirits has released two CD's that we love. Why I will do what I can to stop man from killing...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:45:00 GMT

THEY by Jem - Sincerest Apology

THEY by Jem ~Sincerest Apology~ ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The IIIuminati Hunter Date: Jun 16, 2008 12:59 PMThey = Jem ..In mein Profil übernehmen
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:20:00 GMT


One of MANY of his.
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:16:00 GMT

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Cant Stop

Can't StopGotta love them and their last few lines of this song.
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:08:00 GMT