swimming, shouting, talking, singing,martial arts, music!!!!! surfing ..of corz..i LovEs sPAnish Movies n TelenOVEla!
People whom i think and feel i can trust, who will accept me for what i am as a person.Not those people who are full of lies coming out their mouths.People who are cool and down to earth.People who can accept their flaws and who can understand what life is all about.People who care about other people's feelings.People who are forgiving and who can swallow their pride for the sake of love and
RnB, jaZZ, pop, rOck, tRaditional, alternative..
.. http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(Duration =2 maxsquare=25)"T3,LizZie mCGuire, My BoS's dAughTer, The bLood, mAry PopPins,saVe the Last Dance,the WedDiNG PLanneR, tHe wEDDIng Singer,eNOUGH..
CHarMed, MalCom In the MIDdle, gilmOre GirLs, evERYbODY loVEs raimonD,Friends,SmallvilLe, SEcreto de aMOr,PobrE deabla,la USUrpadOra, Maria MerCEDes, RosaLIndA, Miss Tress Hermanas..Juana La vIRGen, La inTRusa
gIRls nite OUt And boYS nite in, harry porter, FORever (JUdy BLumE), the wedding Party n bla..bla.. nla..
dunno!! hehehe