About Me
Hi! My name is Valerie M. I like people who can just be themselves and who aren't dramatic.. I don't like being called "VAL" so please strain yourself from calling me that.. I get weirded out by it b/cuz it's a name I don't respond to and will never get use to. I like to think that I'm sane and everyone else is crazy. (just kidding) I like being surrounded by comedic people b/cuz I love laughing.. :) I'm insanely gullable and attracted to humor. I have to enjoy everything I do otherwise I get bored.. I probably have the attention span of a child-after 10mins I've had enough :) When I'm not being a silly goose I guess I tend to turn into a quiet little mouse... To my family and friends I am someone they can count on. I am an ambitious, attentive, intellectual, sincere, creative, objective, open-minded, optimistic, spontaneous, logical, trustworthy, compassionate, and thoughtful person. I don't criticize others or make assumptions. I stand by my words as well as I stand by my ground. I'm a little hesitant because I try to make things right, but I admit when I am wrong. I'm easily distracted, lenient, unruly, and etc. I am thankful for what's upon and what I am given. I love my family. I miss my older brothers and their kids like crazy. I adore all my friends, especially the ones in Moscow, I met the best group of friends in summer 07 and I give shoutouts to them: Eric, Kyle, Kat, Jane, Lexi, Justin, Shantel, and KG.. They're amazing!! I trust them and they're the coolest..! I also don't know what I would do without my SISTERS Lizzy and Veronica! I miss you girls! WELL.. you know what to do if you have any questions or comments about my crazy beautiful life! PEAce! Byez!!
Some really good quotes that pretty much sum up my life:
"Stop judging others, and you will not be judged."
"Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
"Last night I saw you in my dreams, now I can't wait to go to sleep.."
"Sometimes whether you did something, or you did nothing... it's just as bad."
"And for once, my career and my personal life were under control... Why is it that just when you get things together, you hear from the one person who could pull it all apart"
"Life's tough, get a helmet."
"It's just hard losing a best friend."--(zack)
"I've had a couple of people betray me. I'm not a person who believes in holding grudges, but if one of my best friends did something really terrible to me, it would be very hard to ever really trust her again. What would stop her from doing something like that again? It's not like that person just changes and suddenly becomes different.â€
"There is just something about those bad boys that we always end up going back to."
"Sometimes the baddest boys are the hardest to get away from."
"There's always that one person that you'll go back to, you'll date other people but you kind of secretly want to run into them when you're out."
"Don’t you hate that? Like bad guys, you’re like I just want to get over you, I just want you out of my life. And as soon as you stop thinking about them, they’ll send you a text message or they’ll call you ‘cause they know you just stopped thinking about them. It’s like a radar."
"Its so frustrating because I broke up with him Because I was sad of crying everyday like I didn’t want to cry anymore, and then I was crying because of fighting, and now I'm crying because he’s not here to make me stop."
"It was a hard situation. Here's a guy that I really like, and he's done something terrible to me, and I still like him, but I can't be with him. So it's almost harder…"
"When you love people, you want to believe they're good. He did this to me and you want me to say he's a good person?"
"They knew it was going to hurt me, and they didn't care."
"...... I want to forgive you and I want to forget you."
"You don't let people in, it’s hard for you and once you do you don't want to let them go and when they mess up you're like why did you do that to me? I gave you my feelings. I did everything for you, and you screwed me over."
"I'm just gunna keep my opinions to myself, because all they do is get me in trouble."
“Go with your gut, but use your head.â€
"Life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many chances to get it right."
"Is hope a drug we need to go off of? Or is it keeping us alive? What's the harm in believing?"
“I'm just a normal girl who is comfortable with who she is. I don't believe in changing yourself for anybody, and I think it's really important for people to be as comfortable with themselves as possible."
"Have you been working out Val?!"-R.G
"He said he REALLY loves your voice!" -V.G
"Valerie you have a sexy voice!"-Mario
"I don't know what it is but I know I can trust you."-R.M
"Mexican Love"-Kyle M.