Am I "that guy"? That's up to you.
I appreciate it when I am given a second chance, so to speak. I like to think I'm quite a bit different than most. I've been stereotyped all my life; categorized, marginalized and labeled. Classified, sorted and stamped; put in pigeon-holes and boxes; told I'm this way or that. But honestly, it never fits. I'm a little bit of everything -- something different to everyone.
My greatest ability is that I have no greatest ability. I'm ever so slightly above average at everything, but great at nothing. I know a little about everything, but a lot about nothing. I know everyone, but no one knows me.
When it comes down to it, I'm just me; nothing more. Nothing less. To quote one of my favorite songs, "If you must put me in a box, make sure it's a big box... with lots of windows... and a door to walk through... and a nice high chimney."
Am I "that guy"? I suppose I am, to "that girl" of course. But I would say I'm less of "that guy" than "the next guy". And to me, that's all that matters.
My life always seems to be moving in a certain direction. Rarely am I sedentary. Rarely am I completely content. I'm always looking to make life better for myself and those around me. Where that takes me now and from here, I haven't a clue. I am happy with where I am. Nonetheless, I remain in perpetual motion. Still, things are consistently good. Though I often miss parts of my past, they have been left behind for a reason. God knows why, so I need not. In the spirit of occasionalism, He is constantly willing me in the direction that I am headed, and causality is not of my concern.
That's it... I'm moving to DC!!!
A bit more about myself:
I am a Christian and a conservative. Please, by all means stereotype me. I love shattering misconceptions. I'm not what you think. Oh and I love to make myself laugh, and it usually makes others laugh too.
"It's the little things." "The little things...there's nothing bigger, is there?"
-Vanilla Sky
"Other people's lives seem more interesting cuz they ain't mine."
-Isaac Brock