Romeo De'Angelo Pierson profile picture

Romeo De'Angelo Pierson

I May Not See Your Face Tomorrow, I May Not Hear Your Voice Today, So From Yesterday Its You I Borro

About Me

Trust me.. You aint never gon' look this good
Lovely... aint I?
Matter Fact Dont Even Ask Her...Just Our Little Secret
Now I'm going to drop a little information about myself...My name is Romeo De'Angelo Pierson (yes my real name)...I have many many fakes...Now by fakes I mean homosexual males or very confused girls that steal my pictures and place me on various websites saying they are me....They often change my name to "Trey" or "Ralph"...Some stupid shit yes I know but its true...I have a page on here and that is all....So if you happen to see any pics of me on any other website then it is not me....Now back to my info...Im 20 and I live in Orange County,California...I write poems which can be found in my blogs and I love cooking and im pretty good at it...Im not talking fried chicken and gravy im talking about Paupiettes De Sole A La Duglere` minus the traditional sauce replaced with a ginger lime Beurre Blanc...I specialize in fine dining cuisine...Now Yall see all the pics on my page and think "oh my gosh girl he is sooo conceited"....If so then you're false because conceited is a word ugly people created so I wouldnt lable myself or portray anything that has connection to that stupid shit...It just is what it is...I aint conceited and the confidence comes from other personality traits but when it comes to my appearance im just very intune with reality...People come to my page to see me so i give them that...The only way to get to know me is to chill with me so any premature assumptions about my personality would be ridiculous....Ima goofy ass nigga that loves to have fun and drink when I go to clubs...I LOOOOVE beautiful light skin females with slanted eyes and long hair....Speaking of long hair....I grew my hair out up until last December when I cut 11 inches off...I still got crop but it dont go down to my waist like it used to...Im not a pretty nigga whatsoever,so if you ever happen to see me in person dont expect no gelled up curly headed pretty nigga...One more thing....I dont have hoes and hoes dont have me...I aint a pimp either....Im just Romeo De'Angelo Pierson. "the kingceited 1"-my aim
My School
Who I promote for...if you ever need tickets or just wanna know whats crackin on any day ask me I got that info

My Interests

Westside baby all day

As you can see the curls are real...Dark skin ugly niggas please dont hate me too bad
No Im not a blood...I just look good in red


Sometimes in Life you gotta look up and thank GOD
Nice Lips Yes?

Maybe its the smile...maybe its the hair...Maybe its both

Beautiful down to the bone in love with myself like cupid shot me with both arrows

Gangsta To The Core


I'd like to meet:









Me and Some of My Peoples
At Basque
Aladdin Twins
Me and Britteny gettin it
All the niggas yet again
Me and Oxnards finest
Daniel and Bobby
Light Skin All Day
Me And My Cousin LeAndre
Me and Helena Yet Again
Doesnt this pic show how much I love Candice?
Me and them Identity niggas
Me and My Fam On Thanksgiving
Billy,Lex,Ash and them
Getting faded is beautiful but when everyone else around is faded at the same time it makes the moon smile
Trip To Vegas Part 2
gettin phone calls from Cali bitches while in Vegas "BITCH IM OUTTA STATE!"
I hate these pics but little Rosemary made me do it
Trip To Vegas
The MixedBoys..we make this club shit happen
Us and that nigga Japan
Cindy and the gals
Me,Daniel and Goldie...I look filipino in this pic for some reason
Me and my little nephew...he had just woken up thats he looks so burnt
Me and My Brothers Aaron and Zakkar

Me and my cousin Tim

Me and my Cousin Aaron...pullin em

Me and my drunk ass cousin
Me and my nigga Juju

Me and the no longer a buddy Sheila(yuck)
Me and My Best Friend Hector

Me and Candice

Me and Famous Tabitha
Me and My Nigga Brandon
I was super drunk at knotts and these girls thought I was famous so I let them take a pic with me...autographs 5 dollars...a stroke of my hair 10 dollars...having hoes think you're famous at knotts scary farm....priceless :)


Some Baby Pics of Me and My Brothers Cutest Babies

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For those who dont know...This is Sade...she is amazingly perfect


Video SectionSome videos of me doin random shit
Why I wear Scrunchies...Listen
Me and Baba...Memories :(
Cooking Some Random Shit
Hyna Love Video...COMEDY .. width="425" height="350" .... You Are NOT The Father .. width="425" height="350" ....
My new haircut.. width="425" height="350" ....
This is for you Helena .. width="425" height="350" ....
My lil cry baby ass nephew tryna escape .. width="425" height="350" ....
Me and Candice Faded .. width="425" height="350" ....
Yall didnt know I could sing huh .. width="425" height="350" ....
Me showin off my HUGE muscles .. width="425" height="350" ....
Me and my best friend Hector takin a shot of some Hen...yes ima light weight .. width="425" height="350" ....
My Dad got vocals son..I can sing too but it only sounds good in the shower .. width="425" height="350" ....
Me showin off my hair .. width="425" height="350" ....
Thizzle Dance Pt.2...Yes I really dislocated my arm .. width="425" height="350" ....
Later that night me and Julian got drunk and did the thizzle dance .. width="425" height="350" ....
Let me greet yall with a happy smile .. width="425" height="350" ....
Me dunkin on this crackhead white guy...yea I got hops bitches .. width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog

When Niggas Develop Vaginas...(the code)

Now when a male is born there is something his DNA that confirms him as a male...some males are not born with this trait thus making them incomplete males and hindering them from fully becoming a man ...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:08:00 PST

To That Place

Lets close our eyes together and forget that we existTo a place where time cant follow,to a place where nothings meantMoments we can escape and tomorrow is never bornI do not own such hopeless fate in...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST

Consumed By You

Im Consumed By Fate,Immune To Hate A spoonful plate of disaster where confusion ateIf I look back for her face I may lose my placeIf I subtract what was great then im a useless mateSo I assume that my...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:27:00 PST

The Sky Is Falling Down (poem)

Long ago, before this life,before death was a promised fateThe moon and the sky, sure did reside, together in a spaceTheir love combined conceived the earth and everything beyondThere was no day,there...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:13:00 PST

In Your World (poem)

In Your World Planet Irene Your sky is a deep green with hazel clouds up aboveIn your oceans im sinking so abound by whats to comeYour sun is the perfect warmth in these valleys of unrestBut beneath y...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 07:52:00 PST

His Mirror (poem)

His Mirror It told no lies yet told no truthThis reflection of a  bless'ed youthThis outer scene of a gifted lieCould not reflect what was inside A gift recieved when he was tenProjecting innoce...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 03:25:00 PST

My Fayvorite Color Is You

The tone of your skin,the pink of your lips,the color of who you are is by far my favorite When you're gone from my sight every dead minute is blackThe savored lover I lack, bittersweet shades of her ...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 12:01:00 PST

Two Angels In the Wind (poem)

  Once upon a time there was a boy who was happy without a doubtHim and his wife, a perfect life, their love a priceless ammount Everyday and every second they shared and intertwinedWalked the pa...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 04:16:00 PST

Do You Wonder?

There are times in life when you wonder whyWonder why people go,Wonder why its goodbyeAnother life you suppose,Another kite in the skyAnother life that was thrown,Another might that residesIn your won...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 07:45:00 PST

Mr and Mrs US...

Mrs where have you been...ive been missin you madlyMrs how can u forget...and turn our memories into sad scenesMrs do you still love me,mrs do you still care?Has your mind divorced the memory of every...
Posted by Romeo De'Angelo Pierson Only Has ONE PAGE! on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 10:33:00 PST