I'd like to meet:
my biological father,maurice carver,chuck lidell,eminem,and that little bas**rd who sucker punched me at the blueberry jubilee in poplarville ms about 8 years ago
korn,metallica,drowning pool,rob zombie,johnny cash,albany lou
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Kids versus SharkTelevision:
survivorman,history channel,animal planet,discovery,south park,squidbillies,avatar
death from afar:marine corp sniping vols:1-4 by chandler and chandler
the nameless,everyday day workin man.who breaks his back and his hands 12 hours a day 6 days a week for $7.50 per hour all because he loves his family. men and woman like this are the true heroes.not the holier than thou co#*ksuckers who have it made and just preach and brag about what they would do if they had to.but don't worry,it will never get bad enough to justify that.