i enjoy spending time with the people i enjoy spending time with. as apparent as that my seem, my friends and i have a variety of tastes. as we are in san francisco and have almost everything available to use, we find ourselves doing a lot. i like quiet time but also enjoy active discussions. i could stare at the ocean all day or go out w/ friends. i love trying out restaurants, bars, or clubs, but lazy movies nights work just as well. my short list of personal hobbies includes taekwondo and fire spinning.
people to randomly chat about any old thing. new friends to go out w/. women who are spunky and love to dance.{ View All Friends | View Blog
trance, multi-subgenre electronica, alt/indie/emo rock, house, hip hop, reggae, pop
i've seen braveheart 42 times (mostly as a background white noise in college). favorites include human traffic, shawshank redemption, fifth element, fight club, empire records, dumb & dumber, austin powers series, matrix 1, la confidential, dune, amelie, happenstance, memento, requiem for a dream, trainspotting, snatch, and countless others i can't think of right now.
er, lost, heroes, alias, what not to wear, yu-gi-oh, real world, rw/rr challenges, apprentice, amazing race
dune series, harry potter series, an underachiever's diary, blindness, understanding me, narnia series, gf in a coma
no one character comes specifically in mind. i'm told that i'm like a knight sent out on quests he doesn't want to and in the end, he returns for better than worse.