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For Those Who Don't Know Me.... Believe What You Will...

About Me

I find that some people always ask you to describe your entire being into three words...if i was to pick only three; i would say i am firstly audacious, secondly sagacious, third but not least I am chastely in a grandiose fashion. I believe that everyone should starkly be themselves obdurately insomuch as to the most brazen actions of ones character. The acceptance of yourself is much more important than the acceptance of any one particular group or society. To lose the shine you aquire from being true to yourself will leave you vapid and empty. Life is meant to be vigiourusly enjoyed and to embrace that smile inside and show the world a quality we all have. To be remembered as having a contagious laugh, a tenacious smile that spread through a crowd like the plague is all i really ask for. Well that's a little about me, I hope you enjoyed reading it. if you need help with some words they are in a dictionary :-P i dont make them up. 11,000 Layouts! @ HOT

My Interests

Traveling the World and seeing a much as possible in my life, the outdoors, lsitening to music ( alternative and rock mostly ) being with my friends and having a good time. My parties rock and kick ass but im keeping it mellow these days and looking out for the one person i can spend my life with... one night stands are a thing of my past and have no place in my future....

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the person i can trust completely and share the rest of my life with...
Funny Videos


The Wallflowers, Korn, System of a Down, The Killers, AFI, Mindless Self Indulgence, 36 CRAZYFISTS!!!. Delmag, Silver Chair, Adema, Incubus, 3 Doors Down, Kottonmouth Kings, Quarashi, The Used, Three Days Grace, and alot more... why dont you message me and tell me about one of your favorites???


Japanese Anime (which I belive to be more addictive than crack), comedy, action, and just anything fun with martial arts is good but im a all around good sport when it comes to movies, i ll watch just about anything with a good plot


Japanese Anime is part of my life haha, seinfield, and anything interesting at the time... trying not to watch tv too much, it just takes too much out of my day... but i make time for family guy!


Fantasy novels slash Science Fiction novels and some fictional history especially about the middle east and old american west... old world mythology is awesome too


anyone that can lay aside their personal wants, needs, and desires to help someone in need. can you say you would do that? I know it would be hard for me to...

My Blog

farewell to The Beast

..> farewell to the beast A formation of pain thinking of my past as a tangeable tool to torment my waking hours the twist of fate like the turning of the blade in my back twingeing with the sens...
Posted by Audacious on Sat, 05 May 2007 09:33:00 PST


au·da·cious [aw-dey-shuhs] adjective 1. extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer.  2. extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive...
Posted by Audacious on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:48:00 PST


With melancholy waves of sorrow i ache for your smile The day itself breaks with happiness and sunshine for you the stirring of the winds sing of your greatness and your power to lay togethe...
Posted by Audacious on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:06:00 PST


..> what's the strength of mankind? who's to say...  but what does have a name, that be our own weaknesses... our faults and transgressions do leave us our spirits torn asunder does not my i...
Posted by Audacious on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:11:00 PST

Something Extra

to those fallen and battered souls needing forgiveness and redemption i offer the loving arms of our savior the fullness of the godhead resideing in the redeamor of all man to him i look to i...
Posted by Audacious on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 06:50:00 PST

New Life

Im living a new life this one hastened by new struggles and ambitions i forget the old mistakes condemned to repeat them the anger is rising once again Human nature isn't something that can be summed ...
Posted by Audacious on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:18:00 PST

07-11-2006 Lifelong Love

Lifelong love   This is to those I will never forget and always hold dear   My heart still holds you close   I know what you love   I know what you hate   I know the things th...
Posted by Audacious on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:27:00 PST

07-11-2006 An Wonderfully Empty Being

An Wonderfully Empty Being   Unbeknownst to the deaf crowds I screamed my horror   I walked through my life knowing   An empty knowledge of the world around me   I saw a world...
Posted by Audacious on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:16:00 PST

4.28.2006 - She's my lady

She's my Ladyher touch is as tender as a rose petal on your cheekshes my desert flower blooming in the moonlightI'm mezmerised by her as she captivates me with her eyesas her petals unfurl i find it h...
Posted by Audacious on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 04:19:00 PST

3.18.2002 - My Beautiful

My BeautifulYou are my BeautifulYou came into my life taking captive my dreamsYou're all I want and my heart is ravaged by your laughterYour eyes, so deep and passionate I've lost myself in them forev...
Posted by Audacious on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 03:49:00 PST