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also this is a link to the united states of america wushu-kung fu federation just go to (school directory) for wushu and kung fu schools all over america.(they have telephone numbers,addresses,and email listed for them.)http://www.usawkf.org/home.htm(here are some other great links):(http://www.wushuwest.com/index1.html)(http://www.wus hucentral.com/)
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Wushu, an outstanding Chinese cultural legacy, is made up of a system of fighting techniques. It takes mainly the forms of routine exercises and free sparring, aiming at promoting physical health, strengthening will power and refining combat skills. Wushu routines, practiced either barehand or with weapons, incorporate kicking, punching, throwing, seizing and joint lock techniques into set routine exercises according to certain rules and patterns involving various combinations of offense and defense.The Formation and Development of WushuWushu, a time honored sport in China, traces back to as early as the time of the clan communes in primitive societies. At that time, there appeared the "Xi"(sport) of "Jiaodi"(wrestling) and the "Wu"(dance) of "Ganchi"(ax and shield). These were the earliest embryos of the two forms of Wushu which served as a means to build up health, cure disease, temper the fighting will and train military skills for the members of these societies.Wushu has developed and enriched itself through the long history of social development of the Chinese nation. From Zhou and Qin Dynasties to Yuan and Ming Dynasties(11th century BC to 17 century AD), a great variety of Wushu styles appeared within the realm of sports. Among them there have been dueling styles of "Jiaoli"(trail and strength), "Jiaodi"(wrestling), "Xiangpu"(sumo), "Jijian"(fencing), "Jiaobang"(staff fighting) and "Ciqiang"(spear fighting).The Content and Classification of Wushu "The Five Schools of Wushu" Chinese Wushu is extremely rich in content, and there are numerous schools. It is divided into five categories according to their technical characteristics.1. Barehand Wushu To this category belong all the barehand combat arts, such as Changchuan(Longfist), Taijiquan(Grand Ultimate Fist), Nanquan(Southern Fist), Xingyiquan, Baguazhang(Eight Diagrams Boxing), Bajiquan, Tongbiquan(White Ape Fist), Fanziquan, Piguaquan, Shaolinquan(Shaolin), Chujiaoquan, Ditangquan(Ground Fighting), etc.2. Weapons Wushu Wushu weapons are divided into four subcategories of weapons. A. Short weapons, such as broadsword, sword and dagger. B. Long weapons, such as spear, halberds and staff. C. Soft weapons, such as nine section whip, three section staff, rope dart and meteoric hammer. D. Double weapons, such as double broad sword, double sword, double hooks, double halberds and double twin head spears.3. Set Sparring Set sparring is divided into three subcategories. A. Barehand vs. Barehand B. Barehand vs. Weapons C. Weapons vs. Weapons4. Group Exercises This category includes all the exercises practiced by a group of martial artists, with or without weapons, forming patterns in synchronized movements.5. Free Sparring This category includes all the free combat duels between two fighters according to fixed rules. "Sanshou", Taiji Push Hands and Weapon Duels all fall into this category.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/07/2006
Band Website: http://www.uswushuacademy.com/
Band Members:
Influences: my friends,Li Lian Jie(jet li),bruce lee,Donnie Yen Ji-Dan,jackie chan,coach zhang guifeng, coach christopher pei,wong fei hong,huo yuan jai,tony jaaand all martial artists!
Sounds Like: your ass getting kicked!
Record Label: bagelguys
Type of Label: Indie

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