The Greatest Hits. profile picture

The Greatest Hits.

About Me

Well...It first started when I got my Korg D3200 for Christmas (Go Gramps!). I have accumulated a lot of instruments over the years, and I like to use them. One day me and frank decided to record something, so I rapped about him (Rap about Frank). Then I just started to record random stuff. Then me and frank found out we could collaberate, so we decided to make songs about this kid named Jeremy since we both once knew him (Skiddy Retard, and Jeremy (aka. Jeremy EP) ).Then one day I layed down the tracks for Piano in the dark. Then low and behold a guy named John could sing like a girl! Who knew? And we layed down vocals.Its been a magical adventure ever since.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/07/2006
Band Members: So far...Frank - Sometimes drums, lyrics mostly ( Piano in the dark, and some stuff on the raps ), and awesome back round vocals. JK - Excellent Back round vocals. Garrett - Everything else.
Influences: Weezer, Blood Hound Gang, Tupac, Onyx, House of Pain, Beastie Boys, More Weezer, Ozma, Misfits, MxPx, NoFx, Tsunami Bomb, yada yada ya.
Sounds Like: Its about to blow your face off.
Type of Label: Major

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