Coffee Drinks. Art. Iceland. Sequences. Cinematic Photography. The Color Teal. Kitschy-ness. Peace and Love. Sweden. Palindromes. Vinyl. Green Tea. Street Art. The Finer Things. The Not-So-Finer Things. Ambigrams. Fractals.
--------------------ragnar kjartansson.--------------------------------------- --------------------sufjan stevens.----------AND---------- nerds. optimists. lovers. automatons. vagabonds. shrinking violets. heatseekers. artists. insomniacs. bob loblaw. wisenheimers. connoisseurs. socialites. people who arent too cool to smile and laugh. -----------------
AIM = acaseoftheshakes
jive learnal = tylerjpetito -----------
----- clap-along/sing-alongs, motormouth raps, bitpop, yé-yé girls, baile funk, good remixes, 60's lounge, 70's folk, 80's & 90's pop. and certain [mostly novelty] 80's & 90's hip-hop.----------[weekly]-------------
royal tenenbaums. american beauty. me and you and everyone we know. i shot andy warhol. the rules of attraction. empire records. the squid and the whale. my own private idaho. harold and maude. baraka.
tlc. cnn. discovery. tv on dvd.
the teenage guide to popularity. the book of bitter aspects. recipes for disaster. food court druids, cherohonkees and other creatures unique to the republic.
andy warhol. bjork gudmundsdottir. banksy. chris cunningham. andy dixon. jason sho green.