profile picture


Look! I'm wearing a purple bow-tie

About Me

Hey I'm Nick... I live in HOllywood and am a millionaire... and if you believe that you'd believe anything. I live in Streatham and have a year till I go to uni. You have to read the rest of this page to find out anything else about me- I can't be bothered to write it all out again... :pHEY WRITE IN MY HONESTY BOX!!! CLICK HERE TO Tell me what you really think of me!Here's some UPDATED (YAY) questionnaires, so you can get a true picture of me (last updated 31/7/07 after almost 2 years of inactivity... *is immensely proud*):
Generic Survey 1:
The Basics
Full Name Nicholas William Joseph East
You like it? No way- it sounds posh!!!
Birthdate 14-12-88
Height/Weight 6' 0" and around 10 stone respectively
Eye Color Greeny Brown
Hair Color Changeable (naturally) but generally brown.
Can you...
Drive? Nopey
Drive a manual? I SAID "NOPEY!" DIDN'T I???
Touch your nose with your tongue? No *is upset he has no talents*
Cook? Kind of
Dance? I try
Sing? Yes :D *is proud*.... *realises he has just proven wrong what he said 3 questions ago*
Sew? Never tried
Speak another language? I speak enough Italian to have got a B at GCSE level 2 years ago.
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? Yes. Its horrible.
Been in love? I think so... *yearns*
Skipped school? Only some assemblies
Made prank calls? Loads. *evil look* %-) mwahahaha!
Done illegal drugs? NOOOOO!!! *looks innocent and loveable*
Stolen something worth more than ? WORTH MORE THAN BLANK??? WHAT THE HELL DOES "WORTH MORE THAN BLANK" MEAN???????
Flashed someone? No!
Been drunk? Not properly
Eaten squid? I dont know. Quite frankly, if I have done that, it was something I probably would have blocked from my memory lol.
Been to New York City? No but I'd like to.
Been to London? I live there dumbass. (and in one stroke of profanity I sound soooooo like I live in New York City instead)
Drink Can I be really geeky and say Coke?
Soda Er, ditto...
Food Pizza usually but I seem to be going off it at the time I write this.
Restaurant Any Pizza Express?
Color Lime Green/ Grass green (thanks to football)
Artist Does this mean art artist, music artist, poet, etc. etc.? I'd have to say The Fratellis
Album Costello Music by aforementioned artist.
Website I'll be a blasphemer and say (on Myspace) Haha XD
The Last
Person to hit you I dont actually know... I don't really get into fights, see?
Person you wanted to hit Ditto
Person you hugged Most of my friends, but the last must have been Nsemeke 2 days ago
Person you kissed Well, on the lips Layla, on the cheek Lucy T
Person you wanted to kiss you Hehe... no comment
Country you've been in Er... the UK. The last other country is... let me think... either Belgium or Holland 2 years ago.
Car you've driven I havent done so... well, not properly...
Law you've broken *looks cute and offended at the question*
Thing you ate A bowl of coco pops at 5:30AM (it's only 7 now, for anyone who gives a shit)
Thing you drank Glass of water now.
Thing you said I cant remember, I haven't spoken to anyone today
Book you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Show you watched Does Kerrang Radio on digital TV count? Lol! If not, I had a bit of 'Good Morning Sports fans' on Sky Sports News on, kind of in the background, a little while ago.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at
The Opposite Sex:
Body or Face Preferably both
Looks or Personality Personalilty, but both if possible
Height Reletavely tall
Weight Reletavely slim
Hair Color Ooh, shall I push the boat out and say ginger? :D
Eye Color Dont care
Most Important Physical Feature I'll get back to you on that
Good/Bad Traits
Funny Good
Loud Bad
Seductive Erm... good I suppose
Quiet Good
Tall Depends on how tall, but possibly good
Short Ditto, but reletavely bad (God im making this more complicated than it needs to be lol...)
Athletic Dont really care
Fat Bad
Immature Could be funny, so... good.
Competitive Indifferent
Hyper Good haha- just like me!
Smoker Bad
Drinker Bad
Smart GOOD
Dumb BDA (yes I did mean to do that... XD)
Observant Good
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Does this need such a big space to write in on the edit page? Look at this cheap attempt to fill it up without actually telling everyone who I'd like to meet as I am supposed to. Oh well, I guess I'd better stop now... I'd like to meet... er... Tony Hawks (the comedian not the skater, whose name is Tony Hawk), any of the bands listed in the 'music' section of this page, Chris Coleman... probably other people too but I haven't been able to think of them right now...

My Blog

Hey there I've arrived- a good few years too late but arrived none the less

Hi just to say hello to anyone adding me over the next few weeks. Also look out for my band (which will possibly be called 'a priori'- pronounced 'ae prioreye'- though not with long syllables) on mysp...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 10:57:00 GMT