taking fun classes, random nights with the crew, makeup art, kicking it with my family, sharing jokes with my sister that only both of us will understand... to be continued...
Betsey Johnson, Prince, Bobbi Brown (the makeup artist) , Sam Fine and Iman... and maybe myself in 70 years. I want to see if im still the same person I am today (and hot lol).
in the words of maggi "old people music" and young people music. it just depends on what mood i am in.
COMING TO AMERICA - "The royal penis is clean your highness", The laybrinth- "Slap that baby, Make him PEE!"
Sex and the City, America's Next Top Model and Law and Order: SVU.... i don't really watch tv any more
The coldest winter ever, Valley of the dolls, The love machine, The autobiagraphy of Malcolm X, The Red Tent, The Davinci Code, Sula, Song of Solomon, The Color Purple and Slaughter House Five.
Anybody who starts with nothing and makes there dreams come true! also my mama, daddy and sister!