I've just returned from an adventure of a life time. I have seen some of the most beautiful and ulgiest places in america. The people that I walked with were all amazing in thier own ways. I had the time of my life and woundn't change a thing. ............................................................
.......................................................... WATCH ABC on MONDAY NIGHTS for.6.WEEKS starting AUGUST 6th at 8:00pm.CT ............................................................
....I'm married and have 2 beautiful kids. We're Disney freaks...We've been going to Walt Dinset World and Disneyland since we were dating starting in 1994. At least once a year we make the trek to the House of Mouse and a couple of years we went twice. It's been about 15 times mainly to Disney World, we kept going back so we became members of the Disney Vaction Club so now we an excuse to go and we use that one all the time. The Disney Cruise Line also has become a regular part of our vaction plans. We've hit the seas 3 times and alreayd have our 4th and 5th cruises booked, but plans do change.-----------------------------------------------------
...You're looking at the the name of my page and wondering what it means...Well its the name of my softball team 2 and Out. The reason for the name is thats the way we used to go out it tournaments. Play 2 and off to the BBQ. I will say that over the last few years we keep getting better and we'll keep doing that. Keeping with softball I've ben playing since the mid 80's and I love it. I play 4 nights a week which is alot and my wonderful wife LETS me play.She know how much it means to me and puts up with me and my silly little game.-------------------------------------------------------
WOW What a game. Its pretty cool that they are going and I'm stoked. 21 years later and I get to watch a superbowl with a rooting interest. I like it.
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