Kimberly[♥] profile picture


dont tell me you're my friend...prove it♥

About Me

the name is...
but you can call mekim, kimmy, or kimboi am 18 yrs old, born on april 24th,1988!..i am swEEt♥, dinky♥, giRLy ♥, intelligenT♥, and TakEN !& theres a million girls just like me who cuss like me, who just dont give a fuck like me WHO DRESS LIKE ME, WALK, TALK, AND ACT LIKE ME & just might be the next best thing but not quite ♥ME♥i have a loT to say about me so letS see...i am going to school...chaffey community college!majoring in education cuz i want to be an elementary teacher! i am alsO workinG at FOREVER21! i finD that aLL i want to do lately is stay home and sleep!ha-HA! well im a very fragile girl...a lot of ppL know that! i tend to beLIEve lies and get hurt for it! but you GOTTA learn "Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so LOVE the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who dont and believe that everything happens for a reason, if you get a chance take it, if it changes your life let it, nobody said it’d be easy, they just promised it would be worth it, so do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile and laugh as much as you breath, and LOVE as long as you LIVE!" so i try to live by it as much as i can! i enjoy to be with my friends they're awesome! everyonE from work knows how muCh loVe them!and my beautiful friends from LA...u know i do anything for you!i loVe you with all my heart♥! we rock♥....i am cute, simple, beautiful, LOVED, driven, passionate, quiet, hyper, but my favorite thing to be is SEXYi love that my boyfriend is proud of me♥! making him happy is one of my main priorities!i love new experiences and i love the routine! i feel lost wen i dont do things in order!(there are exception but i wont say what^_^) i love to eat and sometimes i wonder y am not obese! LOL i lOVe To reUnitE with oLd frienDs!i LoVE ouR yeaRly campiNg trIP! iM an Out dooRs giRl...DOES not seem like iT bUt i aM! i lOve to jusT lay bacK w/ my boyfrienD! he iS the BomB!LoL! i loVe him! i aLSo enjoY moVie nighTs with mY parents and bRother! quaLity time! i love the whole acting scene...i love silent movies! i dont know why! all those classics and black and white films! theres something so elegant about all of them! I LOVE it! weLL like i said im verY giRLy! lovinG make-Up !alsO my all tiMe favOritE coloR...seriously like all im waiting to dO is paint mY rooM hotPiNK!!! and OMG i just reaLized thaTs mY neXt prOjECT!!!yaY how exciTINg!!!...i loVE the PINK collection from victoria's secret and thats where i caNT stay oUt of! my bed covers are PINK, my tOOthbruSH is PINK, my schOOL baG is PINK and by the pINK collectiOn, weLL aLMOST everyTHinG in mY ROOm is pINK!!!! so very ditzy and theres a difference between dumb and ditzy ok! dumb is not asking...and ditzy is having the courage to ask knowing youLL sound dumb but in the end youLL know!so...WATEVER!i also love bright colors! it attracts my eye! i love to decorate everything and anything from letters to my phone! i cant leave anything blank!all this creativity gets me hyper!LOL and i also am addicted to coffee! my parents raised me drinking coffee and now i always have to have my cup of coffee!i know its bad for some reason but i cant help it!yum...another very IMPORTANT part abOut me is my LOVe... ♥ERICK ESCOBAR♥September 12,2002 we got together...4 yrs later here we are...STRONGER than ever!in like NO time itLL be 5 yrS!!! umm wow! LOL (it might sound cheesy but i dont care!) he's my BEST friend! we are sOOOO diferent yet SOOOO alike! we fight a lot! laugh even more!...he gets me pissed & i drive him crazy...on purpose too!haha! but at the end of the day there he is calling me to say gooD night!and that he loves me!...weve had our bad patches and weve had our breaks! not too much time passes wen there we are again! everyone and anyone who knows us KNOWS that were meant for eachother! no lunatic bitch will ever get in between! its about time yaLL realize that! sorry! u canT do what i do! my puffin is a very HARD working man and he is where he is because he wants good in his life!!! he's responsible, caring, tRUE to his word, and makes his promises REAL♥ i love YOU honey! i know uLL read this!i dont care about whatever happened i just care about him♥ !

My Interests

so like you can start having a life of ur own now...STOP getting involved with shit that doesnt concern you! uve led ppl to believe the worst about me and its ok! because i dont need ur and ur friends approval to live life to the fullest! im sorry to hear ur still talkin ur shit and im sorry to hear ur life sucks! if u have anything to talk about, talk about how u got ppl i didnt EVEN know against me!...GET A LIFE BITCH!but i guess ur fucked! cuz not even that you evil whore hahaha!