Member Since: 21/07/2006
Influences: PUNCH YOUR FACE xmaroonx xinvictusx xporlaverdadx throwdown xfloorpunchx gravemaker stick to your guns trample versus impending doom a thousand times repent x looking forward x xbishopx xcrippled youthx xyouth of todayx minor threat xcall to preservex gator bait MADBALL FUERTES CONVICCIONES xLiberaciónx RENCILLA BLOODSHED Grand Malota Asiria Scars From deceptions ITIBOG TERROR Walls of Jericoh xTiempo de Afrontarx xEN MIS MANOSx ESKORBUTO RANCID VISION The casualties Misfits Billy de Kid GRITO xCUESTION de RESPETOx Nueva Etica with open force CLEAR CONVICTIONS OPTION xCORAZON DE LEONx Libertad Perdida xEN TU MEMORIAx A SANGRE FRIA COST OF PAIN NUEVA ACTITUD MINOR THREAT cro-mags oi! the arrase puntas de acero hatebreed
Type of Label: Major