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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, I'm Shireen (Sheeny to my friends and family). I was a very loud baby, and i'm a very loud adult. I think and talk very fast; subsequently i very often put my foot in my mouth (metaphorically, that is ... although i'm pretty sure i can do that literally too, if needs be). I have all the grace and elegance of a junked up elephant on rollerskates, constantly injuring myself and others with my incredibly compromised sense of balance, and general clumsiness. This, i might point out, has nothing to do with the fact that i enjoy the odd pint. In fact, i'm pretty sure my balance improves after a beer or two, but once again becomes significantly worse after the 8th pint. My laugh is said to be very infectious. Once my uni housemate and i rolled about for an hour laughing at one anothers laugh after getting back from the nightclub. I refute that this episode had anything to do with the drink. I love nothing more than to laugh, and often laugh for the sake of laughing, which confuses people. I smile a lot, which earnt me the nickname 'face-ache' when i was younger. I'm pretty darn sure i have never given a good first impression of myself ever, but those suffering from enough lunacy to hang around for a second meeting are actually surprised to see i'm a pretty nice gal underneath it all. Nevertheless, i'm extremely flawed, and i love each and every one of my friends who accept me for being this way.I love my family very, very much, and my friends mean the world to me. I was always a daddy's girl, right til the end. I miss my dad each and every day, but i try to think positively . . . better to smile because i had him in my life for 22 years, than to cry because i lost him...
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My Blog

A poem i wrote when i was 16

I stumbled across my poetry today. I've not written any poetry for a while, but it was always my release growing up. Every time i had a problem, i put pen to paper. Writing things down always makes th...
Posted by Sheeny on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:26:00 PST