After living for four years in Richmond, VA (everyone's allowed to be just a little bit insane), I've moved back to the great city of Atlanta, GA!
I consider myself to be the shy, quiet type, but opinionated in ways I'm told are manly and impulsive. I'm perhaps passionate but reserved, and spend a lot of time writing, reading, thinking, and pensively people-watching (also known as pointing and laughing). Against all of my suburban judgement, and much to the chagrin of my torrid love affair with my TV, I've developed a love of the outdoors and a mild interest in extreme sports, though I'm pretty sure God meant me to be that guy whose parachute doesn't open when he finally decides to jump out of the plane. I try not to take things too seriously, and have a bad habit of pushing the envelope with people who can't take a joke. Interestingly enough, I love debate, analysis, and learning what people believe at the root of their being. I'm half Czech, so that explains my quickness to Eastern European anger. Jak se mate? When I'm not exchanging witty banter with my friend Mary, risking her life by running red lights in Buckhead, canoeing on the Shenandoah in six-degree weather, or working my (very nice) ass off, I'm usually attempting to describe myself in internet profiles...badly.
Anyway, if there's anything you care to know, just ask. I'm an open know...that one that never gets checked out of the library...