Michael profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

After living for four years in Richmond, VA (everyone's allowed to be just a little bit insane), I've moved back to the great city of Atlanta, GA!

I consider myself to be the shy, quiet type, but opinionated in ways I'm told are manly and impulsive. I'm perhaps passionate but reserved, and spend a lot of time writing, reading, thinking, and pensively people-watching (also known as pointing and laughing). Against all of my suburban judgement, and much to the chagrin of my torrid love affair with my TV, I've developed a love of the outdoors and a mild interest in extreme sports, though I'm pretty sure God meant me to be that guy whose parachute doesn't open when he finally decides to jump out of the plane. I try not to take things too seriously, and have a bad habit of pushing the envelope with people who can't take a joke. Interestingly enough, I love debate, analysis, and learning what people believe at the root of their being. I'm half Czech, so that explains my quickness to Eastern European anger. Jak se mate? When I'm not exchanging witty banter with my friend Mary, risking her life by running red lights in Buckhead, canoeing on the Shenandoah in six-degree weather, or working my (very nice) ass off, I'm usually attempting to describe myself in internet profiles...badly.

Anyway, if there's anything you care to know, just ask. I'm an open book...you know...that one that never gets checked out of the library...

My Interests

Reading, French, coffee shops, literary and religious debates, poetry, violin, gym, road trips, Mary and the Twins ;), my friends, and your mom.

I'd like to meet:

People who don't pop their collars. There's really no point in meeting you if I'm just going to laugh myself to death.

People who love life without loving "the lifestyle." It's nice when you don't have to annihilate your consciousness at a club night after night just to get to know someone.

Anyone who can understand the quote "If I got smart with you, how would you know?", people with a deep sense of spirituality that isn't entirely self-interested, well-dressed nerds, and those who can relate to literary analysis and debate...or just think it's cute. I'd equally like to meet people who are thoughtful and kind enough to make time for me in their lives. If you're genuine, I'll easily do the same.

Also, I'm curious about people who say "How come," "Idear," "Irregardless," "Nucular," and "Supposeably." The emptiness behind their eyes fascinates me. I draw the line at people who substitute "z" for "s" though. If you say things such as "thankz" or "plz," we probably won't get along. Mostly because you're an idiot.

It'd be nice to meet people who aren't emotionally broken and fearful of dating and relationships. This explains why there aren't very many people on my friends list :P

Finally, non-smokers. I'd rather not catch cancer.


Bon Jovi, The Cure, Damien Rice, Daniel Bedingfield, Dar Williams, Joshua Bell, Sting, U2, most of the 80s...I'd let you look in my iPod, but I prefer not to reveal all at once the levels of my loser within.


Dogma, Gladiator, The Exorcist, Keeping the Faith, Serenity, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Star Wars, The Sweetest Thing


Alias, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (no, seriously), Family Guy, Firefly, Friends, Law and Order: SVU, The Simpsons, Will and Grace, the Food Channel, and anything of questionable value on HBO at 2am.


The Count of Monte Cristo, The Divine Comedy, The Discovery of Heaven, The Gospel According to the Simpsons, The Hobit, Running With Scissors. I'm stupid for anything by St. Augustine, most 19th century French literature, Renaissance poetry, Proust, and fantasy novels (but let's pretend that isn't true).


- My Grandpa
- My mom (aww)
- Erin May
- Buffy
- Link
- Jean Valjean
- Nightcrawler
- Jesus (He's on my dashboard).

My Blog

Im Famous!

Posted by Michael on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 11:58:00 PST

100 Things...Give or Take Since I'm No Good With Math

1. My full name is Michael Wayne Fancher.2. My dad originally wanted to name me John Wayne Fancher. I hate cowboy films for this very reason.3. I was born in a backwater bayou of Texas called Beaumont...
Posted by Michael on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:39:00 PST