*Dawn* profile picture


Sometimes Dead Is Better.

About Me

God, this is probably the question that i dis-like the most. "So tell me about urself!" EEEKKK!! Im never know waht to say. Im a pretty normal girl.. well, i wouldn't go that far haha. Funny jokes. I love my family... and Dooffy. They are the greatest. I have the 2 greatest friends in the entire world. I'd be lost without them. I love you guys. I mean, who else can i watch gay porn with after Ali has passed out in her room from a "wild" nite of drinking right Matty?? Im crazy addicted to MySpace and change my page often. Does that cover it? I hope so cause i dont know what else to tell ya!! plain layout @ http://www.freeuniquelayouts.com/ - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools

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My Interests

All the normal stuff that lot's of people like to do. I love to read, i always have my nose burried in a book. And i love to write. But my stories always have some kind of killing in them right Gus? I also love playing photo lab on Googy's boat!! Ahhh, good times!! I also love to listen to music and watch movies and blah blah blah..... width="425" height="350" ..
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I'd like to meet:

Well, anybody who knows me knows the answer to this question. The ulitmate ultimate would be Gale Harold. He is the sexiest man alive!! Boys aren't supposed to be that cute!!


I listen to a little bit of everything really. Well, that's not true. I'm not a fan of country, it's to twangy. I like a little bit of metal. Rob Zombie is cool, especially Living Dead Girl. That song is so catchy. But my current favorites are Gavin Degraw, Tyler Hilton, 3 Days Grace, The Panic Channel, Pussy Cat Dolls, Britney Spears and laugh if you want but Jesse McCartney. So many people laugh when i tell them that i listen to Jesse but meh, thats them!
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I love all kinds of movies but my favorite kind is horror. In fact, the scarier the better. If a movie can scare the crap out of me then it get's my seal of approval, haha! My 2 favs over all are Brokeback Mountain(that movie will one day be a classic!!) and the remake of The Hills Have Eyes! That movie is crazy gory and very disturbing, all the good things a horror movie should be!!
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Hands down, my all time fav is Queer As Folk but sadly, it's no longer on *tear* Dam you L Word. That's right, i blame them!! I also loved Charmed and Buffy and Friends and Family Business when they were on. But right now i love Vanished(hmm, i wonder why??) Supernatural, ER, CSI, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, The OC, 7th Heaven, im sure ive forgotten some but meh! Oh, i also love love love Macgyver. That man is a genius.He once built a giant sling shot out of a metal bed frame and ripped up sheets! Isn't that cool!!! HAHA, i know, y'all must think i'm nuts!!!
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I will pretty much read anyhing. Im a huge book worm. But my favorite is Stephen King. The dude is a genius!!
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Stepehn King and Rachael Ray. I thinkk they are both genius's!! Even though people tell me they aren't!! But hey, they can think what they want!!
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My Blog

The Pink Rose Part 1

Hey people. This next story is something i wrote along time ago that i decided to fix up a bit and post! As always, let me know what you think!!! Prepare yourselves cause this is gonna be a long one!!...
Posted by *Dawn* on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:52:00 PST

Angels Part 2

The first thing i noticed when we re-materialized was the smell of fresh cut grass. "Where are we?" I asked. Hope smiled up at me. "Don't you recoginie it?" I looked around me at the familiar surrondi...
Posted by *Dawn* on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:54:00 PST

Another Story....

Hey people. Since i got pretty good feed back from the last story, i thought i'd post another one. It's pretty different then what i normally write. Hey Gus, there's no killing!! Surprise surprise!! A...
Posted by *Dawn* on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:32:00 PST

Part 3

Ok guys, so here's part 3 and maybe the last part. I wrote something else yesterday and i'm anxious to put it up so this might be the end. Enjoy.....   The memories no longer had the same affect ...
Posted by *Dawn* on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:46:00 PST

Part 2

Ok all, here is Part 2 as promised. Now, bare with me, cause sometims, i go on longer then i inntend to! Ok, so here we go..... Even with all the anger on my body right now, it still hurt. My boyfrie...
Posted by *Dawn* on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:20:00 PST

Stroy time!!!

Hey people. I've never posted a blog before which is funny to me. Me, the writer in the family!! And my mom has posted a whole bunch!!! So, it got me thinking!! What the heck would i write about?? And...
Posted by *Dawn* on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 05:53:00 PST